The Staudt Family and VFW Post 148 PRIZES 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams will win a prize Additional prizes awarded for “Longest Drive” and “Closest to Pin” 5th ANNUAL ORVILLE L. STAUDT MEMORIAL GOLF OUTING AT MANADA GOLF CLUB Marine Corps Reserve Association SIGN ME UP! Name:_____________________________ Phone:____________________________ Address:___________________________ Email:_____________________________ My Partners (Up to 3): Hole Sponsorship 100.00 Payment Due: $75*/each: TOTAL PAYMENT OF: $___________ PAYMENT METHOD: [ ] Check made out to VFW Post 148 In Partnership With the Individual Golfers and Foursomes Welcome! The Staudt Family and VFW Post 148 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 1200 Registration 1230 Practice 1:00 Shotgun Start/Team Play Present the Golf Outing in Memorial of Orville L. Staudt Proceeds from the golf outing, mulligan sales , games and raffles will be donated to VFW Post 148 Saturday September 17, 2016 Registration includes: Greens Fees, Cart Food & Prizes For more information contact: Manada Golf Club – 717-469-2400 OR Joe Staudt at 717-554-7075