Goal: To track your growth as a writer. Writing Portfolios Goal: To track your growth as a writer.
Writing Portfolio – Skills Self-Assessment (fall) This portion should be completed by the end of the class period today. You must write your responses on your own piece of paper . To receive full points (10/10 assessment points!) you must completely answer each question. You will receive partial credit for only attempting one part of the response. Set up your responses like this: Understanding of skill level – you can use a 1-5 scale, or write a brief explanation. Include a specific example from your writing to prove your understanding.
I can write a thesis statement/claim. Literary Analysis Paragraph – 1. Understanding of skill level – you can use a 1-5 scale, or write a brief explanation. 2. Include a specific example from your writing to prove your understanding. I can write a thesis statement/claim. I can include reasoning (analysis) and well-chosen evidence to support my thesis statement/claim. I can write in an academic voice (no “I” or “you” or slang). I know how to gather and correctly cite evidence from a text to support my argument. I can structure my paragraph to include a topic sentence, transition sentences, evidence, analysis, and conclusion. Pick 3 skills that you personally need to improve before your next writing assessment.
Optional revision – if you scored below a 70%, or a 10/15 or below… In order for a revision to be accepted, you must: 1. Identify (write down!) 3 specific ways you plan to improve your paragraph. 2. Re-submit revised paragraph to turnitin.com. 3. Hand in a new printed copy of your paragraph attached to your previously graded paragraph & the scored rubric. 4. Turn all of these items in by Wednesday, 10/17. NO LATE PARAGRAPH REVISIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED.