Leadership Day Student Wax Museums
Grade Level Responsibilities K- Leaders at home 1st: Leaders at my school 2nd: Leaders in my community 3rd: Leaders in Rowan County 4th: Leaders in Kentucky 5th: Leaders in the United States
Videos http://youtu.be/F1QDnNvD-18 http://youtu.be/OiL_grcwfo4
When are we going to do this? Board Presentation **February 17th **-K-3: -Have a student present (in some form) about their leaders -1 student from each grade **-4th and 5th: -2 students (One 4th and one 5th grade student) to talk about their research and leaders -5 per grade level to do a mock “Wax Museum” -February 20th- Career Day? This will be tied into the board presentation and will be presented during our Leadership Day on March 26th
Less Than 4 Months To Go!