Basics for Developmental Theory A person goes through many stages in life, that is part of a continuous journey to self realization A person must complete one stage of life in order to have the skills to survive in the next stage ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Basics Continued… If one gets stuck in a single stage of development for an extended period of time, they risk incurring developmental damage and reaching the stage of self and social realization can become difficult All of the theories deal with a 3 part path to adulthood; ____________, ____________, and __________________
Erik Erikson: Eight Stages of Development ____________________________________________________________________________________ At each stage a person is challenged by __________________________________________ Through adolescence to adulthood youth deal with issues on who they are, what they want to be (identity versus role confusion), who to be with (intimacy versus isolation), and what to contribute as an individual to society Pushed through stages by ____________________ ______________, but identity development reflects psychological clock
Erik Erikson Continued… 8 Stages _________________(birth- 18 months) ____________________(18 months- 3 years) _____________________(3 – 5 years) __________________(6 – 12 years) ____________________(12 – 18 years) __________________(18 – 35 years) ____________________(35 -65 years) ___________________(65 – Death)
Jane Loevinger: Theory of Ego Development 10 stages in the formation of the ego (ego = the understanding of self) ______________once the child understands they are “an individual separate from their mother” __________________________________ Conformist Stage (Adolescence) Conscientious Stage (Adult) Developing a clear sense of self precedes truly intimate relationships Progress is determined by ____________________
Family Life Cycle Early adult is launched from their family of origin Goal for adulthood is ___________________ ____________________ 3 developmental tasks Individuation – separate identity New intimate relationships Tentative commitment to career/workplace
Daniel Levinson: Theory of the Seasons of Life Adulthood is 25 years between 17- 40’s Early Adult Stage (17 – 22yrs) Separation from family of origin _____________________________________ Entering the Adult World (22 – 28yrs) Forming life structure and the Dream (individual’s sense of self in adult world), forming mentor relationships, forming an occupation and forming intimate relationships/family Age 30 Transition (28 – 33yrs)
Klaus Riegel: Interpretation of Development ________________________________________________________________________ Stages develop according to ______________________and __________ ___________________ Development occurs when a change in one area leads to a change in another
Leonard Pearlin Disagreed with “stage” theories (socialized cohort responses, not inner changes) _________________________________________ _______________________________ 4 elements affect an individual’s path: Individual characteristics (gender, race, personality, education etc) Range of skills individuals have for coping with stress/change Availability of social supports Nature of stress that needs to be responded to
Issues affecting youth in the transition to adulthood HHS4U
Issues affecting the transition to adulthood: The transition to adulthood involves change and uncertainty as individuals figure out who they are and what they want How individuals cope with these changes depends on a number of factors: ________________________ ____________________________________________________________
Resilience – a factor affecting life transitions? What is resilience? It is the capacity _____________________ __________________________________ It is about learning to “muddle through” difficult times It is about building strong relationships and support systems “If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep walking”
Linking resilience research to young people It is suggested that through dealing with chaos (issues, challenges), individuals discover who they are Young adulthood is full of complexities, decisions, challenges and identity confusion Working through this time, builds resiliency in young adults
Abilities of resilient people: ______________– know what they are feeling and are able to regulate emotions and impulses _____________ (realistically optimistic) ___________________and can use them to their advantage Are able to _______________________ ________________________________
Abilities (continued) Are empathetic – able to understand how others feel in various situations Are able to connect and build strong relationships with people (for support)
Videos on resilience
Issues affecting young adults (text book suggestions) Societies changing gender roles – how gender role socialization affects the lifestyle choices of men and women Cultural conflict – between generations Social economic changes – cost of education, employment opportunities, housing/social support Family violence, prejudice/discrimination, substance abuse, poverty (living poor), specific youth groups at risk (immigrant youth, aboriginal youth, females, males, gay/transgendered youth), physical and mental health, abuse (emotional, verbal, physical)