WHY DO WE NEED Capacity development 4.0? 12th Meeting of the Management Group on Statistical Cooperation 12-13 April 2018 Luxembourg Millicent Gay Tejada Programme Co-ordinator, Asia-Pacific and SIDS
Overview of Presentation Rationale for CD 4.0 Definition and conceptual framework Operationalization and next steps
1. Rationale for C.D. 4.0 Currently mainly technical support Supply driven approaches to C.D. New challenges in statistical systems New data needs
Mainly technical support Support mainly takes the form of: training on technical skills data collection exercises alignment with international standards Usually no clear objectives for capacity development Little attention to data use
Supply driven approaches to C.D. The more international support countries receive, the less relevant capacity development programmes are to their needs. n=72 Q21. f. Please indicate your agreement with the following statements: (Where 1 is Completely Disagree and 5 is Completely Agree) “These programmes responded to my NSO needs”
2. Definition of CD4.0 “The process through which a country’s national statistical system, its organisations and individuals obtain, strengthen and maintain their abilities to collect, produce, analyse and disseminate high quality and reliable data to meet users’ needs”
CD 4.0 in a nutshell Resources Individual Skills and Knowledge Organisation Targets Management Levels Politics and power System Incentives From: Denney, L. and Mallett, R. with Benson, M. S. (2017) Service delivery and state capacity: findings from the Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium. London: Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium.
Capacity Development 4.0 conceptual framework matrix Target/Level Individual Organisational System Resources Professional background Human resources Legislation, principles and institutional setting Budget Funds infrastructure Infrastructure Plans (NSDS, sectoral…) Existing data Skills and knowledge Technical skills Statistical production processes Data literacy Work ‘know-how’ Quality assurance and codes of conduct Knowledge sharing Problem solving and creative thinking Innovation Communication Management Time management and prioritisation Strategic planning and monitoring and evaluation NSS co-ordination mechanisms Leadership Organisational design Data ecosystem co-ordination HR management Advocacy strategy Change management Fundraising strategies Politics and power Teamwork and collaboration Transparency Relationship between producers Relationship with users Communication and negotiation skills Workplace politics Relationship with political authorities Relationship with data providers Strategic networking Accountability Incentives Career expectations Compensation and benefits Stakeholders' interests Income and social status Organisational culture Political support Work ethic and self-motivation Reputation Legitimacy
3. CD 4.0 operationalization Survey of capacity development demands at country level Country support on new areas (e.g., leadership seminar) Report on ‘measuring statistical capacity’ from a CD 4.0 perspective
Survey results: New skills needed Teamwork Management and Leadership Work Ethic and self motivation Strategic planning Change management
New needs: e.g. soft skills Western Europe & Others Eastern Europe Africa Asia & Pacific LAC 1st for Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Africa, Asia & Pacific: technical skills. 1st for Latin America: Strategic planning 2nd for Eastern Europe and Africa: Management and leadership 2nd for Western Europe and Asia: Teamwork 2nd for Latin America: Work ethic and self motivation 3rd for Western Europe: change management
Current measurement of statistical capacity Mostly focused on organisational skills and knowledge Gaps in measurement at the individual level and incentives Individual Organisational System Total 1 - Resources 0% 7% 16% 23% 2 - Skills and knowledge 1% 38% 40% 3 - Management 9% 18% 4 - Politics and power 5 - Incentives 3% 2% 62% 36% 100%
Next steps Continue work on CD 4.0 (i.e., Task Team/Expert Group to develop implementation guidelines, flagship report, engaging with partners and stakeholders) Collaborate with regional working groups on CD Gather feedback!
Additional resources http://www.paris21.org/capacity-development-40
Thank you