Your Next LT produces dialogues and scenes with basic dramatic structure (e.g. exposition, conflict, crises, climax, resolution) Pg. 22
Writing your own Play! REQUIREMENTS 750 words, including stage directions Minimum one scene Must have: dialogue, exposition, conflict Proper Format Refer to Appendix C in textbook binder Level 4 opportunity: entire play (minimum 1,500 words)—minimum 3 scenes At least two characters Written for the STAGE, not film. Make it clear where actors enter/exit Is the stage one big scene? Split in two? How do you envision the stage to look – what kind of furniture, if any? All of this information should go in your stage directions
Advanced works collaboratively as designer, producer, or actor to meet a director's goals in scenes from a variety of playwrights If you’re not cast in the play, see me about how to fulfill this requirement fulfills role of dramaturg for a play by providing the director, designer, or playwright with researched in-depth knowledge of literary and historical sources related to the play
Would you guys buy kettle corn or normal popcorn?`