Joy to the world.


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Presentation transcript:

Joy to the world

15th December 2013: 3rd Sunday of Advent

Gospel: Matthew Ch. 11: 2 - 11

The Messengers from John the Baptist

a) Jesus left his disciples and went to preach.

b) John (in prison) heard about Jesus and he wanted to make sure that Jesus was truly the Messiah, Christ.

c) Jesus answered the questions asked by the followers of John V. 4 … V. 6 Happy are those who have no doubts about me.

d) Then Jesus speaks about John … to praise him.

John asks each one of us: a) What are you waiting for this Christmas?

b) What emptiness do you wish to fill?

c) What is missing from your life that God alone can complete?

d) What do you hope for this Christmas?

e) Any other question???

a) What would you give this Christmas?

under a tree: Patience? Understanding? Time? b) What gifts are you willing to give that cannot be wrapped and placed under a tree: Patience? Understanding? Time?

c) What are you ready to give up???

John knows that his life is about to end.

John wants to make sure that Jesus was truly the Messiah … he gets the answer from Jesus and his followers.

The 3rd Sunday of Advent is called Guadete Sunday – Rejoice The 3rd Sunday of Advent is called Guadete Sunday – Rejoice. “Rejoice” in the Lord always! I say it again “Rejoice”.

The Advent Gospels show us how God empties himself of his Divinity in order to make humanity in his holiness. Let us give love especially to those who need it most.

Come, Lord and change our world Prayer: Come, Lord and change our world From desert to harvest From death to life Restore health to those who are sick and raise up those who are dead to your presence.