Branislav Mikulic: QUALITY OF LIFE IN EUROPE: Concept, measurement and results (EQLS survey) Forum “Estonian Quality of Life in European Comparison, Tallinn, 4th November 2008 27/11/2018
Structure of the presentation Quality of life: The Foundation core field of activity Foundation concept of QoL- main features EF survey on Quality of Life in Europe – unique source of data for monitoring quality of life across Europe Major results from 2007 edition of the survey: EU and Estonia 27/11/2018
Quality of life concept: main features Income and living standard: too narrow concepts Quality of life is a multi-dimensional concept Quality of life refers to individuals’ life situation (micro perspective) Quality of life is measured by objective as well as subjective indicators 27/11/2018
Quality of life in Europe: dimensions in focus Economic situation of households Housing and environment Employment (quality of jobs) Education, training and life-long learning Health and access to health services Household structure and family relations Work-life balance Subjective well-being Perceived quality of society 27/11/2018
Survey design EQLS Representative household survey of people 18+ Sampling was multistage (regions/PSU primary sampling units)/ starting address Random route/population registers Coverage: EU countries including + CC3 + Norway Sample size: 1000-2000 people per country Response rate: 52% Cleaned data set EQLS 2007 available April 2007 About 300 analytical variables and 200 indicators Main contractor: TNS opinion 27/11/2018
EQLS 2007- Main results on Estonia and EU EQLS 2007- Main results on Estonia and EU Income, inequality and deprivation Subjective economic strain Housing quality Health Quality of society Subjective well-being 27/11/2018
on social network, families and friends (18% NMS (23vs16) 14 CC3 (18vs8) and 9% (19vs7) 27/11/2018
Analysis/reports in preparation: The overview report: Quality of life in Europe (Nov.2008) Subjective well-being (2009) Family life and work (2009) Quality of society and public services (2009) Trends in quality of life in Europe 2003-2007 (2009) Regional differences in quality of life (2010) Migrants, quality of life and attitudes towards migrants Housing and local environment 27/11/2018
Thank you for your attention. 27/11/2018