Can you name these different types of disaster?x
Where do these disasters happen? Note some of the places that you think often experience floods and earthquakes.
Do you know some of these locations? How are these families being helped?
Do you know some of these locations? How could this family be helped?
What if this was your house? Do these locations have anything in common with the places that are likely to experience earthquakes? What if this was your house? How would you feel?
How would your life change if your home or school was damaged by an earthquake Do these locations have anything in common with the places that are likely to experience earthquakes?
Take a look at what is happening in these two photographs. How might peoples’ homes be affected? Where is the United Kingdom on this map?
Start a mini-discussion by thinking about: health, security, education, economy, society, transport…
How would homes in other parts of the world be affected? Imagine an earthquake happened in the place where you live. How would your home affected? How would homes in other parts of the world be affected?
Use the Thinking Key in this slide to form a discussion about how people can reduce the risk of damage after a flood. On the next page the students can form their own ideas for an earthquake scenario.
Now use your thinking skills and generate some ideas for how people could reduce the risk of disaster after an earthquake. There are some helpful ideas on the next slide if you get stuck.