My Patient From China
Patient’s information Patient’s Name: Peijing Chong Patient’s Age: 24 Country Of Orgin: Beijing China Physical Impairment: None Language Impairment: Poor English, But husband speaks English Reason Patient Is At Hospital: Pregnant/In active Labor/C- section
Facts About Chinese People Chinese are know for their hospitality and good manners, they have much pride in their history, culture and nation. They do not like to be touched by people they don’t know. They are very formal and will often use the full title of their guest when introducing them. The Chinese language is divided into several regional dialects, mainly they use Mandarin.
Chinese are passive, they have traditional remedies including acupuncture, acupressure, massage and cupping of skin with heated bamboo Many Chinese people hesitate to have their blood taken because they fear it will weaken their bodily energy. To Chinese mental illness is a source of shame and is not talked about freely
How Doctors do a c-section In a C-section, surgery is performed, with an incision made in the mother’s abdomen and uterus, so the baby can be taken directly from the uterus instead of traveling through the birth canal. The birth experience with a C-section is very different from a vaginal delivery. The whole operation ordinarily takes no more than an hour, and depending on the circumstances. You may not experience any labor at all. Another important difference is the need to use medication that affects the mother and may affect the baby. If given a choice of anesthetic, most women prefer to have a regional anesthesia, an injection in the back that blocks pain by numbing the spinal nerves—such as an epidural or a spinal.
Communication and Special Assistive Devices or Equipment Communicate with diagrams, charts and open ended question, Or get her husband to translate what your saying. My patient would need a wheelchair to get around the hospital