Kelly Rankin Aisha A. Husain Muhammad Shaikha Pro Lube of Clear Lake Kelly Rankin Aisha A. Husain Muhammad Shaikha
Contact Information Located at: 2500 Bay Area Blvd. Houston, TX 77058 Phone: 281-481-8421 Fax: 281-481-8415
Business Background Proudly serving the Clear Lake area for over 5 years Family owned and operated Customer friendly atmosphere Top-notch quality service
Business Needs Currently too much paper work from day-to –day operations Speedy service for customers Keep track of repeat customers Provide feedback channels via email, website questionnaires/surveys
Business Needs Create marketing mix to target area customers with company specials Better information system to keep track of sales and customer needs
Business Requirements Implement user-friendly POS system Integrate inventory control with POS system.
Expense Control Less paperwork More revenue Build customer rapport Business Value Expense Control Less paperwork More revenue Build customer rapport
Special Issues Time required to train staff on new system. Finding cost-effective way of implementing new software. Time required to train staff on new system. Back-up system in case of power outage, system crash, ect. Ensuring security of customer privacy (personal info)
Entities Customer Appointments Services & Cost Invoicing Payment Types Payment Received Employees
Entities & Attributes Customer Services & Cost Work Orders Invoicing Customer ID Service ID Order ID Invoice ID Last Name Service Description First Name Service Cost Customer Name Phone # Address Employee ID City Amount Billed Zip Code Date Email Time
Entities & Attributes Payments Received Employees Products Payment ID Employee ID Product ID Invoice Number Last Name Product description Payment Type First Name Amount Paid Phone # Date Paid Address City Zip Code FT/PT
Logical Design
Physical Design Customer (Customer ID, Last Name, First Name, Phone #, Address, City, Zip Code, Email) Work Orders (Order ID, Customer ID, Customer Name, Service ID, Employee ID, Phone #, Date, Time) Services & Cost (Service ID, Service Cost) Invoicing (Invoice ID, Customer ID, Service ID, Service Description, Customer Name, Amount Billed) Payment Received (Payment ID, Invoice ID, Payment Type, Amount Paid, Date Paid) Employees (Employee ID, Last Name, First Name, Phone #, Address, City, Zip Code)
Entity Relationships
Report 1- Payments Received
Report 2 – Employees Performance
Query 1 – Customer by City
Query 2 – Customer By Service ID
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