Alexander Henket HL7 Lead Nictiz Nationaal ICT Instituut in de Zorg Instance Validation Alexander Henket HL7 Lead October, 4 2010 Nictiz Nationaal ICT Instituut in de Zorg
Agenda Intro Context Validation Requirements Schematron Future
Intro National IT institute for Health in The Netherlands Governmental organization founded in 2003 About 1500 organizations connected Major topics covered: out-of-hours services, and medication
Context 8 implementation guides Includes 1 for wrappers and 1 for datatypes/PA CMETs 197 XML Schemas, 68 interactions, 48 payload Largely hand crafted Based on any ballot current at inception
Validation Requirements Should support: developmental testing and qualification of static instances Does not need to support: production use, testing of workflow aspects
Schematron – set up ISO Schematron (xslt2) coreschematron main Abstracts for data types (DTr1) Abstracts for CMET’s Abstracts for Message Types main Interactions, AuthenticationToken, SAML, etc.
Example data type
Applied Example
Future Work out strategy for templates Migrate to tooling to address Documenting instances Building instances Validating instances Processing instances