“Thinking in Pictures” Temple Grandin


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Presentation transcript:

“Thinking in Pictures” Temple Grandin Using visual supports at home and in the community

Today’s Schedule 1:00-1:45 Presentation 1:45-2:00 Break Time 2:30 -3:00 Create materials/talk with autism consultants about individual concerns/talk with other participants 3:00-Home

Why we are here today??

Thought Shower 1. Group together with 3-4 people. 2. “Thought shower” 4-6 situations/times during the day that are stressful 3. Share out with large group 4. Keep these examples in your head as we move forward

# 1 recommended visual support 1. Everyone 2. Pictures, Words, Objects 3. Different forms/change with need/age/situation Utilizes the individual’s visual strengths –increases understanding; Learn new things and broaden interests; Able to use in a variety of settings; Increases flexibility Promotes calmness -helps reduce inappropriate behaviors It helps the individual to develop independence which builds self- esteem.

schedules What is the Answer? Schedules are varied –basically tells what the person is supposed to do and when it is supposed to happen.

Using Visual Schedules: A Guide for Parents Indiana Resource Center for Autism https://www.iidc.indiana.edu/pages/using-visual-schedules-a-guide-for-parents Reasons parents may not use visual schedules-time consuming, don’t think they need one. Resource in your packet that will be helpful in designing and implementing a schedule that is effective.

SCHEDULES First-Then Line Drawing Supports Routine First then: show small pocket sizes, large Can be a place-task HashBang App./phone Uses no/not symbol-gives child time to process May not need everyday, but available to support on “not so great day”

SCHEDULES Picture Schedule Written Schedule Object Schedule Schedule is actually a “to do” list. Can be on clipboard, iPad, phone Uses actual objects that represent locations/activity: toilet paper roll/bathroom, fork/time to eat, shoe/walk

SCHEDULES Picture Schedule Photograph Picture Schedule Show example in plastic right on envelope Pass out example of blood draw Pass out night time schedule pictures Uses pictures and words-as individuals gains skills may to just word Can create one using photos take on phone or iPad Uses high interest area-trains

What about Change! Preparing students for the possibility of change, as well as the procedures that will be followed when change occurs, are vital tools in increasing successful transitions. Using visual supports throughout the preparation for new events and when teaching positive routines around change is also essential.  Indiana Autism Resource site https://www.iidc.indiana.edu/pages/change-is-good-21-supporting- students-on-the-autism-spectrum-when-introducing-novelty Schedules will invariably change-pass out change cards-surprise face or individualize-if your child can tell you want change feels like make a card that depicts that-volcano, tornado, black card…………….think like you child. Pass out cards, article change is good –need to teach

Change needs to be taught Non-preferred to preferred: homework to extra computer time Neutral: 10 minutes of Lego time to 10 minutes of computer time Difficult to accept: Having fruit for a snack instead of ice cream

Tools for Change Social Narratives Video Priming Change Card Handling a Change : handout from Jill Kuzma

Social Narratives Social narratives are meant to help children understand social situations, expectations, social cues, new activities, and/or social rules. As the name implies, they are brief descriptive stories that provide accurate information regarding a social situation. Pictures ,photos –words, combination -resources

Resources for Social Narratives http://www.kansasasd.com/socialnarratives.php https://www.iidc.indiana.edu/pages/writing-and-using-social-narratives Show resource sites

Video Modeling scott Bellini Talk about keeping it brief, use phone or iPad

Change Card Change card needs to be taught-individualize-if child feels that change is like a volcano –make the cards a volcano- ask you child if possible

Handling a Change Handout by Jill Kuzma https://jillkuzma. wordpress Handling a Change Handout by Jill Kuzma https://jillkuzma.wordpress.com/2012/02/05/tool-to-help-kids-understand- and-handle-change/ WHAT IS THE CHANGE? HERE ARE MY THOUGHTS: HOW DOES IT MAKE ME FEEL? HOW BIG IS THE CHANGE? HERE IS MY PLAN:

Task or To do list(Work System) Give hand outs of ready made ones to laminate EX. Clean you room on schedule -

Work System(To Do List)** To do list Example Work System(To Do List)** Put shoes in closet Make my bed Put dirty clothes in hamper Check under the bed for missing socks Have Mom or Dad check my room when I am done Have 15 minutes to use the iPad or watch TV Sue’s Schedule Eat breakfast Get dressed Clean my room**

Messy Room Puzzle Clean the room the way you expect it to look Take a picture of the clean room Cut it into 4-6 pieces Give your child one piece at time and have them focus (with your support on that area) Keep working until the puzzle is complete Be certain to include incentive(First: Room Then: Legos

Transitions Made easier Handout

Timer strips Use monthly theme, high interest, clocks(will make this today). Show examples

Visual Timer

Schedules Decrease transition time Decrease challenging behavior Increase understanding of sequence of events Increase overall predictability Increase independence Decrease transition time Decrease challenging behavior

Transition Cue Object Name Card Cue Transition Article

Pause Card Use visuals to help students stop an activity and shift/transition to something else Think about what a particular visual might communicate VERSUS

Visual resource to support social understanding

soccss SOCCSS (Situation, Options, Consequences, Choices, Strategies, Simulations) developed by Jan Roosa. Designed to help individuals understand social situations and interactions, SOCCSS is a step-by-step problem-solving process teaching that choices have consequences. It provides an individual with decision-making techniques, including questioning and choice making. https://www.ocali.org/project/resource_gallery_of_interventions/page/soccss

Putting it all together Autism House: Indiana Autism Resource Center https://www.iidc.indiana.edu/pages/autism-house

Thinking BAck Remember the “thought shower” we did at the beginning of the meeting. Pick one or two of the most difficult times of your day and think what visual support we have discussed would provide your child with the most effective help during this time. LET US HELP YOU DESIGN THAT VISUAL SO YOU LEAVE TODAY READY TO GO

Resources http://www.autismcircuit.net/tools https://www.ocali.org/project/resource_gallery_of_interventions/page/soccss https://www.iidc.indiana.edu/pages/irca https://www.google.com/search?q=autism+internet+modules&rlz=1C1CHZL_enUS746US746&oq=autism+inter&aqs=chrome.0.0j69i57j0l4.9406j0j4&so urceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 http://www.kansasasd.com/socialnarratives.php https://www.google.com/search?q=view2do&rlz=1C1CHZL_enUS746US746&oq=view2do&aqs=chrome..69i57j0.5210j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF- 8 http://www.do2learn.com Grant Wood AEA Classes: https://web1.gwaea.org/profdev/courses.cfm Cognitive Strategies, Visual Supports and Structured Teaching(scholarships available through FEP