To Many, The Bible Seems Out of Date “Sure, the Bible was relevant once upon a time, in that long-ago era of shepherds and scribes. That story of how the Hebrew people emerged from their centuries of slavery in Egypt is a gripping account, but does it have any connection to my world of lightning fast e-mails and jet travel? The problems of a fish swallowing a disobedient prophet named Jonah and how to get Daniel out of a den of lions seem pretty far removed from fixing my transmission or resurrecting my crashed hard drive. For a soccer mom racing to get her kids to the dentist, is there any relevance to the story of how Elijah saw to the killing of 400 prophets of the god Baal? Can we relate at all to such strange and mystifying events today?”
Situation Ethics No absolute right or wrong “New morality” Moral behavior is relative Decisions are to be made depending on the situation “New morality” “Contextualism” “Ethical Individualism” Catholics: “Mental Reservation” (allowed to lie)
Joseph Fletcher’s Situation Ethic’s Compared Legalistic enters into every decision making situation with a whole apparatus of prefabricated rules and regulations. Situationism armed with the ethical maxims but prepared in any situation to compromise them or set them aside in the situation if love seems better served by doing so Antinomianism one enters into the decision making situation armed with no principles or maxims or rules
Premodern Modern Postmodern Because God put it there and that’s the way its always been Modern Onward & upward with progress Postmodern Ayheu%%79!! ==abunoienunc5nuasdfuinz,I;;;;;&99
Does the Bible fit modern man? Relevant “appropriate to the current time, period, or circumstances; of contemporary interest.” Does the Bible fit modern man? Is it out of date?
Is The Bible Still Relevant Today?
Is The Bible Still Relevant Today? Relevance Is Based Upon Reliability
Relevance Is Based Upon Reliability If God exist & Bible is true – then the Bible is relevant Modernism, Post-modernism & situation ethics are rooted in Atheism Evidence that God exist Seen in creation
Bible Writers Point to Creation Psa. 19:1-6 Rom. 1:20 The World That Exist Believe There Is A God
Cosmological & Teleological Argument Cosmos – argues – Cause Design – argues - Designer
Relevance Is Based Upon Reliability If God exist & Bible is true – then the Bible is relevant Modernism, Post-modernism & situation ethics are rooted in Atheism Evidence that God exist Seen in creation Seen in resurrection of Christ The tomb was empty Matt. 28:6 Luke 24:3 Admitted by all How did it become empty?
Relevance Is Based Upon Reliability If God exist & Bible is true – then the Bible is relevant Thus, God has answers (Acts 17:24-31) Man came from God – not a god made by man God knows man’s needs
Relevance Is Based Upon Reliability If God exist & Bible is true – then the Bible is relevant Thus, God has answers (Acts 17:24-31) Word of God stands the test of time Endures forever (1 Pet. 1:25) Living and active (Heb. 4:12)
Is The Bible Still Relevant Today? Relevance Is Based Upon Reliability Bible Meets Modern Man’s Needs
Bible Meets Modern Man’s Needs Man’s problems and needs have not changed Man today – no different than man in Bible times Sin hasn’t changed (1 John 3:4) – only how man sins Stealing (shekel – vs – stealing one’s identity) Envy (of one’s camel – vs- SUV) Murder (sword –vs- AR15) Gossip (in person –vs- text) Modern man can identify with ancient man in the Bible
Bible Meets Modern Man’s Needs Man’s problems and needs have not changed Bible addresses man’s needs: Origin of man (Gen. 1:1; Psa. 33:6-9; Exo. 31) Purpose of life (Ecc. 12:13) Problem of sin (Jas. 1:15) Defines it (1 John 3:4) Who is guilty (Rom. 3:23) When become sinners (Rom. 7:9) Consequences (Jas. 1:15; Rom. 5:12) Sacrifice of blood of Christ for sin (Matt. 26:28) Conditions must be met (Heb. 5:8-9)
Bible Meets Modern Man’s Needs Man’s problems and needs have not changed Bible addresses man’s needs: Origin of man (Gen. 1:1; Psa. 33:6-9; Exo. 31) Purpose of life (Ecc. 12:13) Problem of sin (Jas. 1:15) How to find happiness (Matt. 5:1-12) Relationships (Matt. 7:12; Rom. 12; family, business, gov.) Racial prejudice (Matt. 7:12; Acts 17:26; Rom. 10:12) Social disorder / chaos (Rom. 13:1-7) Standard of morality (drunk – Gal. 5:21; fornication – 1 Cor. 6:18; stealing – Eph. 4:25) Hope for future (1 Cor. 15; 1 Thess. 4:13-18) Loved (God’s love – Jno 3:16 / Other’s love – Mt 22:37-38) Busy – work (2 Thess. 3:10; Eph. 4:28)
Is The Bible Still Relevant Today? Relevance Is Based Upon Reliability Bible Meets Modern Man’s Needs Truth is Not Relative
Truth is Not Relative Truth is not subjective Subjective means: varies from person to person – situation to situation Not left to each one to decide (Jer. 10:23) What seems right may be wrong (Prov. 14:12) When “truth” is subjective – it deifies man (makes him god)
Truth is Not Relative Truth is not subjective Truth is objective There is a standard by which we live (1 John 3:4) Inspired word tells us right from wrong (2 Tim. 3:16-17) Grace teaches us what should do and not do (Titus 2:11-12) Makes a difference whether obey truth or not (2 Thess. 2:10-12)
Truth is Not Relative Truth is not subjective Truth is objective Does Matthew 12:1-8 suggest situation ethics? Jesus did not say – this is a case where violating law is okay Did Jesus violate law? No! Did not sin (1 Pet. 2:22) “guiltless” (v. 7) Was eating grain a violation of Sabbath law? No Deut. 23:25 Deals with inconsistency David’s “unlawful act” – you don’t condemn Disciples “lawful act” – you condemn
Is The Bible Still Relevant Today? Relevance Is Based Upon Reliability Bible Meets Modern Man’s Needs Truth is Not Relative