Company, event, date Name Don’t be distracted. Company, event, date Name Distracted driving 2018
Non-occupational accidents in Switzerland, 2015 82 000 road traffic injuries 418 000 sports injuries 564 000 injuries in and around the home Every year, more than one million people are injured in road traffic accidents, while doing sport and exercising as well as in and around the home. Distracted driving 2018
Accidents in road traffic, 2017 Around 82 000 injuries 3654 serious injuries 230 fatalities Source: bfu, SINUS-Report 2018 Distracted driving 2018
Januar 2012 Potential causes of road traffic accidents Serious injuries and fatalities, 2017 Potential cause Number in % Disregarding right of way 1012 26 Inattentiveness/distraction 1111 29 Speed 744 19 Alcohol 404 10 Vehicle handling 420 11 Influence of drugs/medications 133 3 Vehicle handling: Lack of familiarity with the vehicle Lack of, too late or incorrect indicating Failure to dip headlights Driving without lights or with lights that do not comply with regulations Careless opening of the vehicle door Insufficiently secured vehicle while parked Serious injuries: serious and visible injuries that prevent normal activities at home for at least 24 hrs (e.g. unconsciousness, bone fracture or hospitalization for more than 1 day) Fatalities: People who die at the scene of the accident or within 30 days Source: bfu, SINUS-Report 2018 Distracted driving 2018
Common causes of distraction Distraction by stimuli outside the vehicle (e.g. attractive views, people, advertising) Talking to passengers Eating and drinking Smoking Making or answering phone calls Operating vehicle devices (e.g. sat nav) and entertainment media (e.g. radio, CD player) Reaching for a moving object (e.g. bottle) Distracted driving 2018
Phoning while driving Around 1 in 4 drivers use a mobile phone handset at the wheel at least sometimes; 3 in 5 use a hands-free system. (Source: 2018 population survey) Phoning while driving is 4 to 5 times more dangerous than undistracted driving. In this respect, there is no significant difference between using a hands-free system and holding a mobile phone in your hand! The mental distraction is greater than the motor distraction. Cognitive impairment leads to greater distraction than motor impairment. Distracted driving 2018
Response distance while distracted driving 26.05.2010 Response distance while distracted driving Drivers usually react within 2 seconds. At a speed of 50 km/h, a driver who is briefly distracted and takes 3 seconds to react will travel almost half the length of a football pitch before even starting to brake. The response time when writing a text message is around 7 seconds – as long as it takes to travel 200 metres on the motorway, or the length of more than two football pitches. Distracted driving 2018
Legal aspects Phoning while holding a mobile phone is prohibited: fine CHF 100.– Phoning with a hands-free system is permitted, providing compliance with Article 31, Section 3 SVG (Swiss Road Traffic Act): the driver must control the vehicle at all times in a manner that allows him to fulfil his statutory obligations. Distracted driving 2018
Legal aspects Driving while phoning without a hands-free system or writing a text message at the wheel and not being in control of the vehicle can have consequences: Penalties (imprisonment and/or fines) Administrative measures (e.g. licence withdrawal) Accident insurance benefit cuts (daily allowance) Distracted driving 2018
Video «Distracted driving» Don’t be distracted Video «Distracted driving» Distracted driving 2018
Getting there safely Be prepared before you set off: Switch your mobile phone to voicemail or airplane mode Set the radio to your favourite station, insert a CD or connect your music player Programme your sat nav Distracted driving 2018
Getting there safely Pay attention to the following while driving: Keep your attention on the traffic. Refrain from activities that might distract you. Completely refrain from making or answering phone calls. Using a hands-free system is distracting too! Don’t read or write text messages. → Park in a safe place if you need to do something that might cause distraction! Distracted driving 2018
More information Find more accident prevention tips at Distracted driving 2018