Akinade, Helen Olubunmi Jaiyeola and Adebola Olayimika Kehinde THE INFLUENCE OF HIV AND AIDS INFORMATION AWARENESS, ACCESS AND USE ON SEXUAL RISK BEHAVIOURS OF COMMERCIAL SEX WORKERS IN LAGOS STATE, NIGERIA. Being an abstract presentation at the 18th International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa (ICASA 2015) held in Zimbabwe on 29th November to 4th December 2015. By Akinade, Helen Olubunmi Jaiyeola and Adebola Olayimika Kehinde
INTRODUCTION: The relevance of information in the prevention and management of HIV and AIDS has been the subject of many research works. Information provides people especially the group who by the nature of their work and various risky behaviours are exposed to HIV and AIDS. Commercial sex workers are a high risk group, unfortunately not much is known about the types of risky behaviours they engage in and more importantly about their levels of awareness of, and use of information to avoid these behaviours.
METHODS The study adopted the survey research design. The study population consisted of 20 Local Government Areas (LGAs) and 9,967 CSWs. Proportionate stratified random sampling technique was used to select 12 LGAs and 2,003 CSWs Instruments of data collection were questionnaire and Focus Group Discussions’ Guide. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, while FGDs transcripts were content analyzed. All hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance.
ETHICAL CONSIDERATION The ethical consideration of this study ultimately addresses the implication and risk of data collection process. Therefore, the researcher obtained ethical approval from Lagos University Teaching Hospital Health Research Ethics Committee (LUTHHREC) Information about the study was verbally explained to the participant and written consent was presented to each of them for signature. Respondents were assured of a high level of confidentiality and anonymity of all information supplied and also that it will be used for academic purposes only.
FINDINGS The study revealed the major risk behaviours engaged in by CSWs are: having sex with multiple partners frequent consumption of alcohol having sex during menstruation having sex with high paying client that do not use condom. having sex with more than one person at the same time. having oral sex smoking and sniffing hard drugs to enhance sex drive
FINDINGS (CONTN…) CSWs level of awareness on HIV and AIDS information: for most commercial sex workers in Lagos State awareness of HIV and AIDS came mainly through interpersonal sources such as family, friends and colleagues. a significant number have high preference for electronic sources such as television, radio, video, foreign films and cinemas the least source of information awareness was from Libraries and information centres
FINDINGS (CONTN…) CSWs accessibility to HIV and AIDS information: the major source of information which the CSWs found most accessible were interpersonal sources of friends, family, colleagues and peer group. this could be as a result of the fact that these categories of people gave them more audience than any other sources or that they were in the best position to give first hand assistance to their information quest on the disease. other sources identified were Institutional sources such as NGOs, Laboratories and hospitals. this revealed some level of closeness of this institution to the sex workers and also it is possible that the NGOs relate with them by speaking with them in a language they understand.
FINDINGS (CONTN…) CSWs level of use of HIV and AIDS information: the findings revealed that the CSWs make use of information from NGOs to avoid sexual risk behaviour. this is understandable because earlier submission from the CSWs had shown that the NGOs play significant roles in prevention program among commercial sex workers the CSWs further revealed that the information obtained helped them to manage their involvement in sexual risk behaviours.
OTHER ISSUES The study also show some of the challenges that commercial sex workers faced on HIV and AIDS information awareness, access and utilization and these are: using their money to purchase information in print sources of books and journals. this underscored their main reason for engaging in sex work which is to cater for their personal needs other challenges identified are; harassment from police, stigmatization, limited time to read newspapers and magazines, inability to use social media and internet due to their literacy level, non-conducive nature of the brothels and inability to attend seminars and workshops as a result of time constraints, amongst others.
CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The bedrock of the preventive measures against the spread of HIV and AIDS among commercial sex workers relied on information awareness, access and usage. However, the fact that awareness and access have not translated into higher level of usage is a cause for concern since CSWs paid minimal attention to the information received on HIV and AIDS. For effective intervention program that would enhance desire result there is need to understand CSWs subculture which is embedded in their linguistic code and cultural patterns Also lack of fund, limited education, police incessant harassment, stigmatization amongst others were the major hindrances to effective utilization of HIV and AIDS information.
CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS (CONT…) The recommendations offered by the study among others are: collaborations between Librarians and information professionals so as to repackage information into animation, visualization and drama series that would give better understanding of the disease. The policy makers at both State and Federal levels should provide written policy that would guide the conduct of sex workers in Nigeria as obtained in other developed countries. Government agencies such as the National Action Committee on AIDS (NACA) in partnership with their Local and International counterparts such as USAIDS, UNAIDS, GHAIN should develop programs, organize seminars and workshops that will actively engage CSWs in discussions about the nature and hazards of their work.