BIOCHEMISTRY, Seventh Edition by Jeremy M. Berg. Welcome to BIOCHEMISTRY The required textbook for this course is BIOCHEMISTRY, Seventh Edition by Jeremy M. Berg. (©2012, W.H. Freeman Publishers)
difficult course content. A FREE Web site accompanies the book. Though not required, the site is a good way to check what you know and don’t know and get help with the more difficult course content. Use the “Interactive Quizzes” to diagnose what you need to review after you’ve read the chapter. There are two quizzes for every chapter. The “Animated Techiques” allow you to tutor and quiz yourself on important terms from the book.
Prefer an electronic copy of BIOCHEMISTRY, Seventh Edition? Go to required text is available online at a substantial discount! Features include: - Highlighting - Post-It-Notes - Easy access from any internet connection - Bookmarking - Google-style search function
PsychPortal to accompany BIOCHEMISTRY If your textbook was packaged with a BiochemPortal access code, you can redeem it at the below website by following these steps: Click “register.” Fill out the information and you’re ready to go. * Be sure to hold on to the access card until you redeem It online. You can also purchase Portal access on the below website!
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