Is project coordinator for the NY Public Interest Research Group Wins the presidency elections 1985 2008 Elected president of the Harvard Law Review Consolidates environmental protection laws 1990 2013 Moves to Jakarta, Indonesia Graduates from Columbia University, NYC Elected as Illinois State Senator Is re-elected as POTUS 1967 1983 1996 2012 Is born in Honolulu, Hawaii Returns to Honolulu Marries Michelle Robinson Wins the US Senate election His 57th anniversary Aug 4, 1961 1971 1992 2004 Aug 4, 2018 1961 1961 1966 1971 1976 1981 1986 1991 1996 2001 2006 2011 2016 2020 1988 1998 2013 Today Enters Harvard Law School 1st child, Malia, is born Puts forth gun control executive orders 1979 1995 2013 Graduates from Punahou high school Publishes Dreams from My Father Calls for legalization of same-sex marriages in the US 1991 2006 Gets JD degree from Harvard Publishes The Audacity of Hope 1983 2009 Becomes director of the Developing Communities Project Wins the Nobel Peace Prize