Sign in at: ACCOUNT = “kenwoodhi”
Click on Teacher Recommendations or Manage and complete your college recommendations.
Click on view apps.
Click on the Plan tab.
Seniors have been assigned two ‘surveys’ which include a counselor and teacher recommendation request form. You can access both in the Plan tab.
Once you click on a survey, you can print it our for your convenience.
Now, click on the eDocs tab Click the Prepare tab.
Click on the Add tab next to teacher documents
Click on Upload a File to upload your rec letters.
Click on the All Applications drop down tab and all the schools the student has applied to will appear. Choose the appropriate school or you can click All Applications to send them all at once.
The drop down box will show Letter of Recommendation for you to click on and upload.
When you click on Prepare a Form, the Select a form type drop down menu pops up. Click on the drop down box and select Common App Teacher Evaluation.
Navigate to the Send section. Click Review and Confirm. Click Submit. (video on sending docs)
Click on icon to go back to home page to start the process for the next student.
As a teacher, your recommendation process is complete As a teacher, your recommendation process is complete. Your forms have been submitted to the student’s colleges based on your selections.