Skinny Wednesday What to Expect
Shopping Thursday Before Skinny Wednesday Food will be purchased, washed and prepped in the Student Life Kitchen and moved to the teaching kitchen. Shopping list is based on ingredients to make the featured juices (following).
Food Prep Thursday, Friday, Monday & Tuesday Before Skinny Wednesday All produce will be washed, and sliced. Store produce single layer in LABELED freezer bags (without the seeds). Arrange DRY bags of produce in freezer, single layer. GREENS go into labeled snack size bags. FRUITS (including sliced ginger) go into labeled quart size bags. LEMONS are to be peeled and sliced with seeds removed and single layered into quart size bags. JUICE INGREDIENT BAGS are gallon size and prearranged to include everything needed to make: Fat Burning Apple Smoothie Happy Chocolate Peanut Butter Smoothie Heart Smart Carrot Smoothie
JUICE RECIPES to PREP and STORE in the FREEZER Fat Burning Apple Smoothie Fruit: Apple, Lemon Juice, Veg: Spinach or Cucumber, Celery Sweetener: Raw Honey Spice: Ginger Protein: OPTIONAL Chia Seeds Carbohydrate: - n/a – Fat: Coconut Oil (optional) Grain: - n/a – Water About: This is a fat burning smoothie. Apple is a natural appetite suppressant. Celery is a natural diuretic, helping reduce water retention.
JUICE RECIPES to PREP and STORE in the FREEZER Heart Smart Carrot Smoothie Fruit: Coconut Water Veg: Carrots Sweetener: -n/a - Spice: n/a Protein: Flaxseeds Carbohydrate: - n/a – Fat: -n/a- Grain: -n/a- Coconut Water About: Carrots are high in beta-carotene, a known antioxidant, and protect the body against certain cancers and heart disease. Flaxseeds and coconut lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol and elevates HDL (good) cholesterol, reducing risk of heart disease.
JUICE RECIPES to PREP and STORE in the FREEZER Happy Chocolate Peanut Butter Smoothie Fruit: Banana, Veg: Kale Sweetener: Raw Honey Spice: 100% Raw Cacao or 100% Cocoa Powder Protein: OPTIONAL Chia Seeds Carbohydrate: - n/a – Fat: Peanut Butter Grain: OPTIONAL Oatmeal Water About: This is a stress reducing smoothie. Bananas are a great source of potassium, which contributes to blood pressure regulation. Bananas also contain tryptophan, which produces serotonin, for relaxation and an improved mood.
Food Prep Images: SINGLE LAYER arrangement, dry stacked is preferred so the break-apart is easy.
Monday Before Skinny Wednesday Food Prep Mason Jars clean and ready to store unused fresh juice. Granola Bar set up, pre-arranged in the Fitness Loft Break Room.
Mardi Gras (“Fat Tuesday”) Food Prep Review Skinny Wednesday Powerpoint Read Skinny Wednesday Bulletin Circulate fliers to help promote Skinny Wednesday, and in particular, encourage visitors to attend one of the juice tasting sessions in the Demonstration Kitchen, B.115
Skinny Wednesday Student Workers – as you are scheduled, please make yourselves available to Support set up. Circulate fliers inviting / directing community members to the Demonstration Kitchen, B.115 Ensure coolers and ice are in place in the teaching kitchen.