The Early Civilizations of India
The Geography of India: Mountains, Plains, and Rivers India is a Subcontinent- a large landmass that is smaller than a continent. India is separate from Asia by the Himalaya Mountains (Mount Everest). Northern India has many fertile plains with three rivers that flow through them: Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra.
Southern India is on a plateau (broad area of flat land). Seasonal winds called Monsoons effect the climate. Winter- cold, dry air from the Himalayas. Summer- Warm, wet air and pouring rain. Monsoons can help grow crops but can cause devastating floods.
The Indus Valley Civilization 1st civilization began in the Indus River Valley. Farmers grew enough crops for everyone. People made tools, built houses, and traded. Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa Both large cities designed almost identical. Surrounded by strong thick walls. Indoor bathrooms/ pipes. Built like modern day cities
What was Life Like? Religion and government were important in the two cities. Toys have been found in the ruins. Sailed as far as Mesopotamia to trade.
Aryan Migrations and Settlements 1900 BC: people started to abandon the Indus River Valley. New group of people called the Aryans migrated to India. Aryans were not part of a race or ethnic group. Raised cattle / Moved place to place for cattle to pasture. Expert horse riders, hunters, and warriors. Aryans mixed with descendants of the Indus Valley people.
Began making iron tools and irrigation systems. Farmed in the Ganges River Valley. Aryans lived in tribes led by a Raja- a prince. Developed a language called Sanskrit- 1st written language in India. Hymns, stories, poems, and prayers were put into sacred texts called the Vedas.
Ancient Indian Society The Varnas are the 4 social classes of people in India.
Boys were educated by teachers called a guru. Marriages were arranged and there were no divorces.