What is Skilling Queenslanders for Work (SQW)? Employment program Funded by the State Government – Department of Employment, Small Business and Training Assisted approximately 4,600 people into employment in the last 3 years (in Metropolitan Region) Assisted approximately 17,500 people in employment in the last 3 years (State Wide)
Community-Based Organisation (CBO) How Does it Work? Community-Based Organisation (CBO) Apply for funding Applications open for 2 rounds per year CBO decides details of program Job Seeker Eligibility Recruitment strategy of CBO Employment Increased confidence Resume Work connections Combined effort of CBO and participant If successful: Manage the program Manage the relationship with the Training Provider Recruit participants/job seekers Provide wrap around support (T & S Plan) Assist with life skills / job search Training Provider Deliver accredited training
Eligibility SQW programs will primarily target job seekers who: are ineligible for Australian Government employment services or assistance OR require complementary services because they have significant barriers to learning and employment have accessed Australian Government employment services for more than six months and remain unemployed Participants must be 15 years of age and above and no longer attending school Existing or prior qualifications do not matter as SQW provides a second chance to retrain and gain new qualifications Role of the State is to ‘fill the gap’ and primarily provide training and support services to people not eligible for Australian Government employment services or assistance. The selection of participants for enrolment is at the discretion of the funded provider, subject to eligibility criteria and in consultation with DESBT. Individual programs are subject to some variation in eligibility criteria. DESBT will monitor the number of Australian Government clients participating in SQW – future funding for an organisation may be impacted if high percentage of jobactive clients are recruited onto projects. There is no upper age limit. Residency Status Australian Citizens or permanent residents New Zealand citizens permanently residing in Queensland Humanitarian entrants living in Queensland Temporary residents living in Queensland with the necessary visa and work permits on the pathway to permanent residency
SQW Key Target Groups Young people (aged 15-24 years) including those in and transitioned from out-of-home care Mature-age job seekers (aged 45 years and over) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples People with disability Migrants and refugees from culturally diverse backgrounds Women re-entering the workforce Under-utilised workers including under-employed and those marginally attached to the labour force NEW: veterans, ex-ADF members and their families Can recruit outside of these key target groups if there are barriers to training and employment e.g. recently retrenched workers, long-term unemployed working age job seekers These are key target groups only – participants do not have to necessarily belong to one of the key target groups as long as they meet the specific program eligibility criteria.
Funded Programs Community Work Skills Assists disadvantaged Queenslanders to gain nationally recognised skills and qualifications up to a certificate III level – delivered by the Training Provider. CBO provides wrap-around support (for example – addressing concerns/barriers - referrals, develop self-esteem, communication skills, life skills support, provide a safe environment). CBO or Trainer provides Employment assistance (job-search, resume, workplace behaviour)
Community Work Skills Example CBO: Community Living Association Inc Project: Assist 30 people with a disability and/or culturally and linguistically diverse people interested in the hospitality industry. Details: Certificate II in Hospitality including 20 hours of work experience. Job Club in the last 4 weeks to support participants into employment
Community Work Skills Example CBO: Breakthru People Solutions Project: Assist 45 disadvantaged people with a interested in careers across disability, aged care and community service sectors. Details: Certificate III in Individual Support including work experience. LL &N, Life Skills support, work readiness and case management.
Community Work Skills Example CBO: Career Employment Australia Project: Assist 8 disadvantaged people with a interest in hospitality industry. Details: Certificate II Hospitality including First Aid, 80 hours work experience in Coffee Shop. ‘Prepare to Succeed’ program including workplace culture, resumes, interviews.
Funded Programs Work Skills Traineeships Funds paid work placements, for up to six months, on projects that benefit the boarder community while participants complete a Certificate I in Business, Conservation and Land Management, Construction, Hospitality or Retail Services. CBO provides wrap-around support (for example – addressing concerns/barriers, develop self-esteem, communication skills, life skills support, provide a safe environment). CBO or Trainer provides employment assistance (job-search, resume, workplace behaviour).
Work Skills Traineeships Example CBO: Community Living Association Project: Employ 30 people as trainees who have an intellectual disability or from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Details: Undertake regeneration and landscaping activities at community organisations (eg. Hendra Pony Club). Mainly on-the-job training (restoring garden beds, painting, mowing, paving) but also undertake Certificate I in Conservation and Land Management. Also includes wrap-around support and job search.
Work Skills Traineeships Example CBO: Vision Australia Limited Project: Employ 6 people who are blind or have low vision as trainees in business administration. Details: Work with host employers (community organisations) and undertake appropriate tasks including data entry, maintenance, filing, reception duties. Where required trainees receive transport assistance to their host employer. Mainly on-the-job training, trainees also complete a Certificate I in Business. Includes wrap-around support and job search.
Work Skills Traineeships Example CBO: Cerebral palsy League of Queensland Project: Employ 3 people who have a disability as trainees to undertake maintenance activities on parks, facilities and offfices within local community organisations. Details: Undertake appropriate tasks including basic maintenance, customer service, basic estimating and costing, levelling procedures, mowing, landscaping. Mainly on-the-job training, trainees also complete a Certificate I in Conservation and Land Management. Includes wrap-around support and job search.
Funded Programs Get Set for Work Provides intensive employment and training assistance over a 12 month period to young, disengaged Queenslanders aged 15–19 years. Ready for Work Assists young people aged 15–24 transition into the workforce by providing 6-8 week courses focused on job search assistance and training. Youth Skills provides nationally recognised training and employment support for 15–24 year olds who are engaged with Youth Justice Services or Queensland Corrective Services.
Program - First Start Two streams: Local Councils Community $6.0M in 2018-19 for 400 subsidised traineeships $15,000 per trainee Community $2.9M in 2018-19 for 145 subsidised traineeships $20,000 per trainee Provides 12 months paid employment and nationally recognised qualification Targets new labour market entrants – young people and disadvantaged job seekers Program is centrally managed Wage subsidy for local councils increased from $12,500 to $15,000 in 2018-19. Funding under First Start (Councils) is via a bidding process. Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) manages the bidding process. Bidding process involves councils requesting the number of traineeship positions required for the following financial year. Bids are assessed by LGAQ and endorsed by DESBT. Community based organisations request application forms via sqwapps@det.qld.gov.au and submit applications directly to DESBT. Applications are assessed on a number of criteria including: experience managing government funding; ability to employ, train and supervise trainees’ ability to retain post-traineeship; location suitability; experience with disadvantaged jobseekers.
Work Start incentives Up to $4.0M in 2018-19 to assist 300 disadvantaged jobseekers Complements Back to Work regional employment package and Back to Work South East Queensland Financial incentives to private sector employers throughout Queensland who are ineligible for employer support payments under Back to Work and employ a participant from a SQW project in a traineeship or apprenticeship NEW Youth Boost: $20,000 for employing young person (aged 15-24). Two payments – first after three months of employment and second after 12 months of employment $10,000 for employing individuals aged 25 and above. One-off payment after qualifying period of employment (3 months) SQW participants given a letter of introduction and registration form for prospective employers SQW providers expected to promote availability of incentive to local employers Youth Boost commenced 1 July 2018 Complements Back to Work. Available to private sector employers throughout Queensland who are ineligible for Back to Work. Employers are unable to claim for both Work Start incentives and Back to Work. Youth Boost of $20,000 available from 1 July 2018 for employment of a young person (aged 15-24) in a traineeship or apprenticeships– capped at 100 places $10,000 for employment of individuals aged 25 and above in a traineeship or apprenticeship – capped at 200 places Expectation that SQW providers will promote the availability of the incentives to local employers. Private sector employers includes non-government organisations and group training organisations. Participating SQW providers may be eligible if they employ a former SQW participant.
Popular Project Focuses Certificate III in Individual Support Certificate II in Retail Certificate II in Hospitality Certificate I in Construction Certificate I in Business Administration Certificate I in Conservation and Land Care Management
More information Approved projects: https://training.qld.gov.au/ training/incentives/sqw/ jobseekers QCOSS SQW face-to-face workshops and webinars delivered in partnership with DESBT to provide information, tips and advice to help organisations develop applications that stand out. QCOSS charge a nominal fee of $33 (includes lunch) for the SQW face-to-face workshops that helps alleviate the issue of last minute no-shows, given the limited numbers available for each workshop. QCOSS has an event subsidy option if there are organisations who genuinely cannot afford the fee. QCOSS regional webinars are free – each will have a regional focus with DESBT regional representation.
More information Contact DESBT on: Telephone: 1300 369 935 Website: www.training.qld.gov.au/sqw Feedback: sqwapps@det.qld.gov.au QCOSS SQW face-to-face workshops and regional webinars www.qcoss.org.au/qcoss-event-skilling-queenslanders-work-workshops-and-webinars QCOSS SQW face-to-face workshops and webinars delivered in partnership with DESBT to provide information, tips and advice to help organisations develop applications that stand out. QCOSS charge a nominal fee of $33 (includes lunch) for the SQW face-to-face workshops that helps alleviate the issue of last minute no-shows, given the limited numbers available for each workshop. QCOSS has an event subsidy option if there are organisations who genuinely cannot afford the fee. QCOSS regional webinars are free – each will have a regional focus with DESBT regional representation.