Fellowship 2019 Submittal Process
Agenda Fellowship Committee Confirm Interested Candidates for 2019 Assist with Sponsor Selection Confirm Object Review Schedule for next 4-5 Months Discuss format for future meetings Resources
Fellowship Committee Dean Illingworth, FAIA – Regional Representative Lisa Gomperts, FAIA Drew White, FAIA Jason Shelley, Executive Director
Confirm Interested 2019 Candidates Robert Koester James Smith Steve Risting Dan Mader Sanford Gardner Rob Proctor Fred Bamesberger Jonathan Lamar Steve Alspaugh
Sponsor - Selection Robert Koester James Smith Steve Risting Dan Mader Sanford Gardner Rob Proctor James Childress, FAIA Fred Bamesberger Jonathan Lamar Steve Alspaugh James Childress, FAIA
Sponsor Must be an FAIA or AIA member in good standing Must provide a one-page letter of support Should be BEST and WORST critic, someone that knows you well! Should be very knowledgeable about candidate's accomplishments Involved in submission process Letter speaks directly and specifically of achievements Serves as a buffer between candidate and references
Object Determination Robert Koester James Smith Steve Risting Dan Mader Sanford Gardner Rob Proctor Object 1 Fred Bamesberger Jonathan Lamar Steve Alspaugh
Objects of Nomination Object 1 - Design Object 2 - Education, Literature, Research, or Practice Object 3 - Led the Institute or Related Organization Object 4 - Advancement of Living Standards Object 5 - Alternative Career, Volunteer, Service to Society
Objects of Nomination Object 1: Design Design, Urban Design, and Preservation MUST have 5 projects where candidate is “Largely Responsible for Design” with proper signoff Jury doesn’t judge design Jury looks for peer recognition through awards, articles, etc.
Objects of Nomination Object 2: Education, Literature, Research, or Practice Practice – Management or Tech. Advancement How have you elevated your firm? How are you sharing with the profession? Specialty Practice Show that through design/innovation the field is better OK not to have Awards but in lieu of those, expect to see sharing Education Show impact through teaching tools; student work
Objects of Nomination Object 3: Led the Institute or Related Organization Led Institute Jury looking for “So What?” factor Provide quantifiable results Led related organization Not enough just to lead it What did you do to connect it to the AIA? Seat time is not important – what did you do?
Objects of Nomination Object 4: Advancement of Living Standards Government industry or organization Need to document the benefit to the AIA How is your work affecting policies? How are you making things easier for architects in the profession?
Objects of Nomination Object 5: Alternative Career, Volunteer, Service to Society Show how contributions are significant because the nominee is an architect Volunteer work not used as marketing tool Must be clear you are NOT gaining commissions through volunteer service
2018-2019 Schedule May Confirm Candidates for 2019/Assist with Sponsor Selection/Confirm Object June Review Outline and Draft of 35 Word Statement July Review Draft of Summary of Achievements August Review Graphics and Exhibits September Candidate finalizes Submission with Sponsor October Submission
Format for Future Meetings Option 1 – Meet in small groups during each meeting Option 2 – Each fellow posts their updated work to Dropbox. During meeting we put up information from each candidate to review and provide feedback.
Resources AIA Indiana Website: http://aiaindiana.org/member-services/2018-faia-application-mentoring-process AIA National Website: https://www.aia.org/awards/7076-fellowship Candidates can set up separate meeting with committee members for additional review.