The Angry Birds Movie
Red’s Anger Scale 0 (Ice Cold) – 100 (Red Hot)
When your team loses
When someone pushes ahead of you in a food queue
When your computer shuts down before you have saved your work/place in a game
When it’s only raining a bit outside and it’s declared as ‘wet play’
When you are told to go to bed even though you’re not tired
When a sibling goes into your room and messes with all your stuff
Can Red get to his anger management class without getting angry?
Possible Outcomes of Anger Damage to property Shouting Causing others to get angry Isolation Damage to self Damage to relationships
Ephesians 4:26 ‘If you are angry, don’t sin by nursing your grudge. Don’t let the sun go down with you still angry - get over it quickly.’
The pigs destroy the islanders’ homes and steal all of their eggs.
Red’s Anger Scale 0 (Ice Cold) – 100 (Red Hot)
Alternative Outcomes of Anger Help to plan an assembly on the importance of queuing Read a book Learn a poem Set a timer to help you remember to save your work Talk calmly to your sibling about what they like about your stuff Think of ways to encourage your team to improve Practise times tables
Fact 1 11.3% of the world’s population will go to bed hungry tonight.
Fact 2 37 million children were prevented from going to school today.
Fact 3 2.5 billion people don’t have access to a proper toilet.
Ephesians 4:26 ‘If you are angry, don’t sin by nursing your grudge. Don’t let the sun go down with you still angry - get over it quickly.’