Dì二十一課 談天qì Dì二十一课 谈天qì
jì (n.) season 四 jì 四 jì 如chūn four seasons spring xià 天 summer qiū 天 fall dōng 天 winter 四 jì 如chūn like spring all year around 这儿四季如春吗?
jìjié (n.) season 你喜歡哪個jìjié?你不喜歡哪個jìjié?為甚麼? Which season do you like? Which season so you not like? Why? lěng cold rè hot nuǎn和 warm
fù習/fù习:bǐ NP1 + bǐ+ NP2 + AdjV 一點/一点 請跟你的同學說說你的jù子(sentence): 得多 NP1 + bǐ+ NP2 + AdjV 一點/一点 a lot NP1 has more of some quality than NP2 a little 請跟你的同學說說你的jù子(sentence): 请跟你的同学说说你的jù子(sentence):
Weather expression: guāfēng it is windy (n.) wind guāfēng It is windy. Chūn天常guāfēng。 It is often windy in spring.
Weather expressions: 下xuě it is snowing, 下yǔ it is raining It rains. yǔ (n.) rain xuě (n.) snow 下xuě It snows.
Weather expressions: 下xuě it is snowing, 下yǔ it is raining, guāfēng it is windy In Mandarin, these equivalent expressions occur without a subject. They begin with the verb: 下xuě it is snowing (Literally: falls snow) 下yǔ it is raining (Literally: falls rain) guāfēng it is windy (Literally: blows wind) Do not say 它下 xuě 。 “It” is snowing.
ěrqiě (conjunction) in addition, besides I am interested in Chinese. In addition, I am also interested in Chinese culture. 小王想上大學,ěrqiě他想上好大學。 小王想上大学,ěrqiě他想上好大学。 Little Wang wants to go to college, and he wants to go to a good college. and on the sentence level
ěrqiě (conjunction) in addition, besides Is tomorrow’s weather good? 明天很rè,ěrqiě不會guāfēng . 明天很rè,ěrqiě不会guāfēng . It will be hot tomorrow, and it won’t be windy.
ěrqiě (conjunction) in addition, besides 你家xiāng的chūn天shū服嗎? 你家xiāng的chūn天shū服吗? Is spring in your hometown comfortable? 我家xiāng的chūn天很nuǎn 和,ěrqiě不下yǔ。 My hometown’s spring is warm, and it won’t rain. 60F。
mēn (adjectival v.) muggy 天qì很mēn。 The weather is muggy.
mēnrè (adjectival v.) hot and humid 下yǔ以前,天qì有一點mēnrè。 下yǔ以前,天qì有一点mēnrè。 Before it rains, it is a little hot and humid. 你家xiāng的xià天比這兒的xià天mēnrè嗎? 你家xiāng的xià天比这儿的xià天mēnrè吗? Is your hometown hotter and more humid than here in summer?
出去 (directional v.) go out 下課以後,我會出去。 下课以后,我会出去。 After class, I will go out. 他zhōumò 會出去買東西。 他zhōumò 会出去买东西。 He will go out to buy things at weekends. 你常出去吃飯嗎? 你常出去吃饭吗? Do you often go out to eat?
wán, wár (v.) play, have fun play in the park
wán, wár (v.) play, have fun have a good time with friends in the park
wán, wár (v.) play, have fun Wán, often pronounced wár in Beijing, means play or have fun. It can be used like the English word play to say that children are playing in the park. It can also be used to mean have fun or have a good time. 好wár good/fun to play Is this party good/fun to play?
The retroflex suffix: r When the suffix r attaches to a word that ends with a vowel, the r sound is simply added to the end of the syllable. gē+r→gēr song When r is used with a word that ends in n/ng, it replaces the final n/ng: wán+r→ wár play, have fun 電 (电)yǐng+r →電 (电)yǐr movie
wán, wár (v.) play, have fun Situations: After the summer break, when you meet your friends and you can ask: Where did you go and have fun during the summer break? 你shǔjià去哪兒 (儿)wár了? You friend invited you to hang out with her, but you can’t make it and you can say: I can’t go out and have fun tonight. 今天晚上我不能出去wár。
ràng: make/let (someone do something),tell (someone to do something) Mom tells him to study at home. 媽媽不ràng他出去wár。 妈妈不ràng他出去wár。 Mom doesn’t let him to go out and play.
ràng: make/let (someone do something),tell (someone to do something) subject + ràng + (someone) + VP All of the uses of ràng have to do with cause, and ràng always means that the subject causes someone to behave in a certain way. The translation of ràng into English as make, let, or tell depends upon the context of the sentence.
請用”ràng”回dá問tí 请用“ràng”回dá问tí 今天你有時間嗎? 今天你有时间吗? Do you have time today? 媽媽/妈妈
請用“ràng”回dá問tí 请用“ràng”回dá问tí 今天晚上你可以來我的晚會嗎? 今天晚上你可以来我的晚会吗? Can you come to my party tonight?