Technology & Society: A Critical Examination What do you see as the biggest societal problem technology can solve? What do you see as the biggest societal problem technology has/will create?
Technology Optimist or Pessimist? Do you consider yourself mostly a technology optimist or a technology pessimist? Explain. What are some of the biggest problems facing society today?
INCOME INEQUALITY: STATISTICS Forbes article: The 85 Richest People In The World Have As Much Wealth As The 3.5 Billion Poorest
ROGERS CURVE: Innovation Adoption
EMERGING TECHNOLOGY What technologies will be the next big thing? What kinds of problems will they solve? What kinds of jobs will be lost due to the use of new technology? What will happen to those employees? How will this affect those in the poorest communities?
EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES Radical Life Extension Robots and Automation Artificial Intelligence Drones Computer- Generated Imagery Virtual Reality (Google Glass) Floating Cities Cameras Everywhere Space Travel 3-D Printing Big Data Internet of Things 6th Sense Technology Social Media Driverless Cars Cyborgs
EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES Who will have access to these technologies? Who will be left behind? What areas of society will be impacted the most?
SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS Truth & Reason Privacy Political Systems Work & Economy Education Family Life Art & Design Environment Literacy Concept of Life Freedom & Coercion Health & Medicine Concept of Self War & Peace Entertainment & Sports Social Relations
ASSIGNMENT Read (or watch) at least 5 sources on a chosen technology. Summarize each source or write a paper on the technology. Develop an extended list of questions about the future impact of the technology. Make predictions on how the technology will impact specific aspects of society (life boats). Minimum of 3. Present findings to class, write a paper, create a website, documentary/video, design a workshop…