Vitalnet quickly makes publication-ready output Vitalnet Output · Wide variety · Attractive and useful · Fully documented The whole point of Vitalnet is to quickly convert large, complex data sets into needed output. This section briefly describes Vitalnet output. - Vitalnet produces a wide variety of tables, charts, and maps. - Vitalnet output is attractively formatted and publication-ready. - Each output is technically correct and fully documented. Vitalnet quickly makes publication-ready output
Vitalnet HTML Tables Here is an example of Vitalnet HTML table output, for display in a browser. Output
Vitalnet Text Tables Here is an example of Vitalnet text output, for importing into a word processor. Output
Vitalnet Pie Charts This screen shows a Vitalnet pie chart. Users can customize colors, size, and many other details. Output
Vitalnet Line Plots Here’s an example of a Vitalnet line plot. Each plot can be customized as needed. Output
Vitalnet Bar Charts Here is a Vitalnet bar chart. Bar width, chart size, and other details may be customized. Output
Vitalnet Maps Here is a Vitalnet map. Colors, ranges, and other map options are set by the user. If needed, map results can be imported into GIS software as a data layer. Output
Vitalnet Output - Summary · Tables · Charts · Maps · Data Files This has been a brief overview of Vitalnet output. We would by happy to provide any additional needed information. Visit for more information and to use Vitalnet online for free with real data. Or call us at 888-709-5319 to order Vitalnet or discuss your specific needs. Visit Call 888-709-5319 Output