Prepared for the Rock Koshkonong Lake District 2005 RKLD Annual Meeting Technical Consultant Report The Rock River, Lake Koshkonong and Indianford Dam Prepared for the Rock Koshkonong Lake District
2005 Activities Technical support to Indianford Dam operations Review and Analysis of DNR Environmental Assessment of RKLD proposed operation Field observations
Lake Koshkonong Stage
Rock River flow at Indianford
Haights Bay Plot September 1, 2004 Photo taken from west of the plot looking east. The riprap placed as part of the $10K Wetland Restoration Grant is in the right side of the photo. The area between the former shoreline (plot boundary) has begun revegetation outward towards the riprap. Sediment has also been trapped behind the riprap.
Vinne Ha Ha Floodplain Forest Plot August 31, 2004 Sand and gravel sediments have been deposited to a depth of between 6 and 12 inches for up to 150 feet inland along this shoreline as a result of the flooding conditions. Similar deposits of sediment were observed along many other main lake shoreline areas as a result of the flood of 2004.
Carcajou Shallow Marsh Plot Dec 9, 2004 Photo taken from west of the plot looking east. The riprap placed as part of the $10K Wetland Restoration Grant is in the right side of the photo. The area between the former shoreline (plot boundary indicated by wood lath and yellow shovel handle) has begun revegetation outward towards the riprap and from the riprap towards shore. Sediment has been trapped behind the riprap to a depth of between 6 and 12 inches
Carcajou Shallow Marsh Plot June 21, 2005 Photo taken from west of the plot looking east. The area between the former shoreline (plot boundary indicated by metal stake and yellow shovel handle) has continued revegetation outward towards the riprap and from the riprap towards shore. Sediment has been trapped behind the riprap to a depth of between 6 and 12 inches.
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