Risk Mapping, Assessment, and Planning RiskMAP in Oklahoma Gavin Brady, CFM, State NFIP Coordinator Janet K. Meshek, PE, CFM
HUC 8 Basin Demographics
HUC 8 Basin Prioritization
5-Year Plan - HUC 8 Discovery Projects Lower Cimarron-Skeleton Middle Washita Polecat-Snake Deep Fork Lower Canadian-Walnut Black Bear-Red Rock Lower North Canadian Lower Cimarron Grand Lake O’ Cherokees Northern Beaver Middle North Canadian Cache Bird Caney Little Lower Salt Fork Arkansas Upper Washita Farmers-Mud Lower Verdigris Clear Boggy Lower Neosho
Grand Lake O’ Cherokees HUC 8 10
Lower North Canadian HUC 8
Middle North Canadian HUC 8
Polecat-Snake HUC 8
OWRB Risk MAP Responsibilities Update of the State Business Plan Program Management Outreach Update of the CNMS (Coordinated Needs Management Strategy) database This is the stream assessment that determines the validity of the process used in mapping
OWRB Risk MAP Responsibilities Coordinator and/or facilitator between FEMA, other State and Federal agencies, and local communities in the completion of mapping activities. Resolve “unmet needs” from the CNMS database and other known sources. Resolve mapping issues as they arise.
Goals for Oklahoma Mapping Program Develop BFE’s for all Zone A floodplains, and convert all urban Zone A floodplains to Zone AE, as possible. Update annually costs and timelines for the RiskMAP/CTP Business Plan Projects 5-Year Plan. Coordinate with other state and federal agencies to provide seamless statewide topographic mapping.
Goals for Oklahoma Mapping Program Develop an Oklahoma FloodMap Website with current effective maps, floodplain models and reports (currently use websites to receive mapping comments for Discovery).
Goals for Oklahoma Risk MAP Program Maintain and support the Statewide Repetitive Loss Plan Use the Risk MAP products in the State’s Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan for flooding. Develop a Risk MAP Plan format that will assist in obtaining HMA grants
Coordinated Needs Mapping Strategy The CNMS database contains assessments for 61 out of the 71 Oklahoma HUC-8s 38,000 Zone A, AE, AO, & AH stream miles
Discovery Data Requests Areas of nuisance flooding Areas of repetitive structural flooding Areas of frequently overtopped bridges and culverts Local flood mitigation activities Existing Flood Hazard Data Areas of nuisance flooding Areas that do not drain well cause pavement damage due to “pumping”. The subsequent damage is often hidden during a flooding event, creating a hazard Ponded water can be quite deep, even in a backwater area, resulting in hazardous driving conditions. Emergency vehicle passage is hampered or prevented. Areas of repetitive structural flooding The State has a State-wide Repetitive Loss Plan Areas of frequently overtopped bridges and culverts Locations where staff gages may be used to show depth of water over roadways Potential for public awareness programs to show that often what is under the water is washed out The State has a goal of developing an inventory of low-water crossings, to receive “Turn Around Don’t Drown” signs Local flood mitigation activities Flood Control Capital Improvement Projects planned, funded or under construction Ongoing or Planned Hazard Mitigation Grant Projects Purchase of repetitive loss properties Structural Projects Existing Flood Hazard Data Previous stormwater studies Project Design Reports for stormwater projects Local Master Drainage Plans High water marks from previous floods of any magnitude
Discovery Data Requests Flood Study Needs Areas of known flood losses Areas of known inadequate storm sewers or channels Problems with current floodplain mapping Regional Watershed Plans Possible sources are the Tulsa District Corps of Engineers and the NRCS Comprehensive plans and regulatory controls Many communities have adopted comprehensive plans, regulations and design criteria to control development Flood Study Needs Areas of known flood losses Areas of known inadequate storm sewers or channels Problems with current floodplain mapping Regional Watershed Plans Possible sources are the Tulsa District Corps of Engineers and the NRCS Comprehensive plans and regulatory controls Many communities have adopted comprehensive plans, regulations and design criteria to control development
Discovery Data Requests Infrastructure Information not included in current Detailed Hydraulic Models Levees New Bridges Dams Culverts Road Improvements Infrastructure Information not included in current Detailed Hydraulic Models Levees New Bridges Dams Culverts Road Improvements
Discovery Data Requests Building Footprints and other Planimetric Data Parcel Data or Boundaries Available in communities with Enhanced E911 Available from County Assessors in many cases GIS Layers Boundary Hydrography Transportation Building Footprints and other Planimetric Data Parcel Data or Boundaries Available in communities with Enhanced E911 Available from County Assessors in many cases GIS Layers Boundary Hydrography Transportation
Discovery Data Requests Local Development and Floodplain Management Plans Major development plans that directly address stormwater runoff New Elevation Data and aerial photography Local Development and Floodplain Management Plans Major development plans that directly address stormwater runoff New Elevation Data and aerial photography
Sample Data Leveraged as Local Match Field Surveys, including QA/QC Topographic Data Detailed Hydrology and independent QA/QC Hydraulic Analysis and independent QA/QC Floodplain Mapping and independent QA/QC
Next Steps for Discovery Projects Cimarron - Skeleton HUC 8 Lower Canadian - Walnut HUC 8