Fair Trade Development
Contents Fair trade How does trade affect you? Summary activities The key concepts covered are: Interdependence and Cultural understanding and diversity.
Fair trade Fair trade By the end of this section, you will: Have formed an opinion about whether you feel global trade is fair. Know more about what is being done to make trade more equitable.
Is global trade fair?
How does this affect LEDCs? An uphill battle Lots of LEDCs rely on the export of primary products, such as coffee beans, for much of their income. Primary products tend to be low in value and the true value is added when secondary products are produced. How does this affect LEDCs? They need to export a large amount of a primary product to pay for a secondary product. The worksheet What is Fair Trade accompanies this activity. Photo credit: ©2008 http://www.sxc.hu Colombia need to export a lot of coffee beans to pay for one tractor to help them in their fields.
A fair deal
A step in the right direction If world trade cannot be free then fair trade is a way of doing business that makes sure that the people who produce the raw materials earn a fair wage rather than being exploited. Fairly traded products can cost a little more but this ensures that: the workers are treated fairly there are good conditions in the workplace and throughout the supply chain producers earn a living wage the full production cost is paid for. For more details on the Fairtrade movement, visit http://www.fairtrade.org.uk/
A matter of opinion
How does trade affect you? By the end of this section, you will: Understand how trade has a very real impact on your life. See how trade effects everything around you. Have decided how important global trade and fair trade are to you.
How does this affect me?
Where are they made? The worksheets Trade and You and Extension Activity accompanies this slide.
However, it is your decision: what is important to you? The decisions you make about what you buy and where you buy it from have a direct impact on global trade. Consider the impact the things you buy might have on: workers in other countries governments in other countries the balance of trade between MEDCs and LEDCs. Photo credit: ©2008 http://www.sxc.hu There are options available so that the goods you buy help remove any imbalances or unfairness in global trade. However, it is your decision: what is important to you?
Summary activities Summary activities By the end of this section, you will: Be confident in your knowledge of what trade is and how it affects you. Know how to use and spell important terminology relating to trade.
Summary quiz
Anagrams Photo credit: ©2008 JupiterImages Corporation