Atlantic Youth Creative Hubs Exeter- October 2017 Gijón City Council Spain
Who we are? 1/2 The city of Gijón is located in Northern Spain, in the Principality of Asturias Region The population of Gijón is close to 273.422 people, being the most populated and the most industrial city of Asturias. It covers a surface of 181.7 square km and is located in the central area of the coastline
Who we are? 2/2 During the decade of the 1960s and 1970s the city grew due to the development of the steel and shipbuilding industries and coal mining; the economic activity of its port was and still is one of the drivers of the city. Gijón has suffered a deep industrial regeneration where the current economic sectors of the city are ICT; services; tourism; the cultural and creative sector; blue economy; and circular economy. Gijón has received the top rated position of transparency by the ITA ranking.
European Strategy Gijón City Council has a European strategy reflected in the participation in European projects, networks and campaigns. Moreover is a full member of EUROCITIES, the network of major European cities, and a founding member of the Conference of Atlantic Arc Cities. The Council staff has a strong experience in the management of European projects in different programmes (INTERREG; URBACT; Intelligent Energy Europe, Erasmus +, etc).
Expertise –and Knoweledge of Gijón Gijón is developing different actuation lines in relation of the AYCH topic. We count with different initiatives in course whose expertise and knowledge could be shared among the different partners of the project.
Enterprising space Gijón counts with a enterprising space at Cristasa Building, a place call “Cowork-space” with a 120 m2 surface, where the enterprises of the city can use it to develop their activities.
Creative Gijón Creative Gijón is a local project located in Gijón that belongs from an European initiative. It’s target is to put in value the creative and cultural enterprises of the city. Currently 246 enterprises are registered. It allows the positioning of the city, creating an attractive reference to the young, creative and enterprising people, furthermore to contribute of the economic development and the image of Gijón in Europe.
Young Activation Agency The young Activation Agency it’s a project destined to young people without employ or formation of Gijón. It’s allow the young people to develop different activities to improve the employability of this sector of the Gijón population.
Gijón-IN: Social Innovation center The SIC pretends to create an space that involves different social and enterprise movements linked to the citizen participation and the citizen empowerment through the technology and the innovation.
Aims – objectives from Gijón Encourage the youth sector (formation, research, employ, etc.) Promote innovation, co-creation, entrepreneurship and employment. Share good practices and create relations among different hubs from several foreign cities. Contribute to economic development and cohesion in the city.
Thanks for your attention!
Enrique Rodríguez MartÍn Contact Enrique Rodríguez MartÍn European and international affairs department Gijón city council phone: + 34 985 18 11 53 E-mail: Website: /gijoneuropaig @asuntoseuropeos /Asuntos Europeos de Gijón