Job Aid - Lone Star College Online Application (LOLA) 01/06/2016 APPLICATION FOR ADMISSIONS The Lone Star Online Admissions Application allows anyone to apply for admissions to Lone Star College. NAVIGATION Applicants navigate to the admissions website to apply for Lone Star College: 1. New applicants must create an application account of their choosing by clicking on the “Click here to create an account.” Previous/returning students will login using their previous user name and password created originally. If they do not remember their user name, the student can contact OTS or the campus to lookup the user name. If they cannot password, they can reset it by clicking the “Forgot Password/Reset Password.” If a new applicant, the applicant fills out all information. A previous/returning student will be taken to the screen to begin a new application.
Once filled in click “Apply Now” which takes the applicant back to the login screen. Applicant logs in with the user name and password just created.
6. Applicant checks to assure the personal information is correct, makes any changes, and clicks Next. 7. Applicants enters citizenship information, visa information (if applicable), SSN, and military status (if applicable) and clicks Next.
8. If the applicant is not a US Citizen, more categories will appear depending on the applicant’s status. If the applicant is a Permanent Resident or Alien Temporary, the application will ask for the Perm Res number or the Alien Temp number and birth country. If the applicant is International, the application will ask for birth country and then whether or not the applicant is applying for an F1 visa. If the applicant is applying for an F1 visa, the system will ask additional questions for the I-20 as shown below.
9. Applicant enters all address, phone, email, and emergency contact information and clicks Next. 10. If there is a separate mailing address, applicants can click on that box and enter the mailing address separately.
11. Applicants enter ethnicity information (optional) and clicks Next. 12. Applicant answers institutional research questions (optional) and clicks Next.
13. Applicant enters the primary goal for attending college, reviews the decision for Reverse Transfer and clicks Next. If the student answers they are here to Earn Credits to Transfer, Improve Skills, or Personal Enrichment, they will receive further questions. The screenshot below shows the answer of Earn Credits to Transfer. Notice in the above screenshot that the applicant who answers “Earn Credits to Transfer” will get the additional question of where they are planning to transfer to and the major they are seeking. 14. For the applicants seeking a certificate or degree, click on the term applying for, click the appropriate degree and click Next. They will see all degrees offered at LSC to choose from.
15. The applicant then chooses the academic major by searching and then clicking on Confirm and then Next.
16. If the applicant answered the previous questions to determine they are a non-degree seeking student or casual student, they would not get all program options. They would only get the Non- Degree option and only choose the campus to be associated with. The system will automatically choose the degree plan of non-degree seeking or casual student from the applicant’s previous answers. 17. Check any campus to check for the degree plans offered. Once the degree plan has been selected click Confirm to see the choice.
18. Applicants choose the appropriate answer for the most recent educational status and clicks Next. For those who were determined earlier to be non-degree seeking, the choice will be automatically filled out and cannot be changed as in the first screenshot below. The second screenshot are the degree seeking applicants where they select their educational status. Degree seeking students chose one of the following:
19. Now applicants choose the appropriate high school and/or college(s) attended using the search and clicks Next when complete.
20. Applicant answers the Texas Residency Questionnaire and clicks Next. 21. Applicant reads and confirms the bacterial meningitis information; applicant answers the online only question and clicks Next.
22. Applicant reads and confirms whether or not they would like to opt in for text messaging and automatic telephone calls. 23. Applicant reads and confirms the Financial Responsibility Agreement and clicks Next.
24. Applicant reads the Confirmation Message and clicks in the box to confirm. Now the applicant can save the application and/or click Submit. 25. Once the application has been submitted, the applicant should receive their user ID and email address. If for any reason the system times out before they are received or the application goes into an error for any reason, the applicant can check with the admissions office to receive the information or go to myLoneStar and click on “Forgot your Username?” to obtain the information. The following screen is what they see when the user name and ID are returned:
26. If the applicant does not receive an ID and user name, this is the screen they will see.