Matthew 18.1-10 Borrowing one of ours? NASB Pg. 977 Espanol Pg. 1274
UNLESS there is conversion, Verse 3 “Unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.” CONVERTED: turned into, changed UNLESS there is conversion, there will be no heaven!
Verse 3 “Unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.” simple, trusting, dependent unconcern for social status not a literal meaning of physically young or little
WE are most LIKE CHRIST when we are humble. HUMILITY . . . WE are most LIKE CHRIST when we are humble.
To see the kingdom of heaven, we must face up to the seriousness of our sin . . . the depth of our disobedience . . . and see ourselves in light of the holiness of God.
He says, “without humility there can be no true repentance.” Stuart Scott (“Pride to Humility”), calls humility an “Endangered Virtue.” He says, “without humility there can be no true repentance.”
Jesus’ teaching . . . “The greatest among you will be your servant.” “The one who is least among all of you, this is the one who is great.” “everyone who exalts himself will be humbled.”
Jesus’ demonstration . . . “foxes have holes, birds have nests, Son of Man has no place” “washing the disciples feet” “emptied Himself . . . humbled Himself and became obedient”
Verse 6 “whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble” . . . better off dead.
Stumbling Blocks ‘Skandalon’ bait in a trap ‘Skandalizo’ to cause to fall ‘Proskomma’ obstacle
5 Ways to be a Stumbling Block 1. Purposed Plan conduct of the world intentionally setting sin traps obstacles to Christ
5 Ways to be a Stumbling Block 2. Heinous Habits Favoritism Hypocrisy Critical spirit Uncontrollable Outbursts
5 Ways to be a Stumbling Block 3. Erroneous Example 4. Flawed Freedoms “The mature Christian life allows some freedoms that seem contrary to an obedient, disciplined faith. Our liberty is not worth another’s walk with God. If something God allows would lead another to sin, we need to AVOID it.” (S. M. Houdmann,
5 Ways to be a Stumbling Block 5. Stifling Silence It is possible to cause someone to stumble into sin by failing to lead them into righteousness. stifle growth lead to destruction
‘WOE’ proclamation of judgment “The righteous God will reckon with those who ruin the eternal interests of precious souls.” (Matthew Henry)
How can I keep from being a Stumbling Block? Verse 3 “Unless you are converted and become like children, Verse 4 “whoever humbles himself as this child
How can I keep from being a Stumbling Block? Not encouraging another to act in a way the Bible specifically identifies with sin . . . which means KNOW WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS. “Speak the truth in love” “build one another up” (Eph. 4.15-16) Be sanctified to truth . . . conformed to Christ
How can I keep from being a Stumbling Block? Verse 8-9 “if your foot/eye causes you to stumble” CUT it OUT / THROW it away Amputation is better! (Spiritual) Death is better! (physical)
How can I keep from being a Stumbling Block? If any habit, situation, relationship or anything else causes you to stumble, it should be PERMANENTLY FORSAKEN
Homework Reading Assignment Romans 14 1 Corinthians 8