What is FP7? Julian Randall, NCP Energy and Transport
Growth and Jobs Lisbon Strategy make Europe the most competitive economic space in the world Research Growth and Jobs Education Innovation 7th Framework Programme FP7 (2007-2013) Innovation and Competitiveness Programme CIP Life Long Learning LLL
Joint Research Centre JRC FP7 – Structure Total Budget: € 53.4 billion for 7 years COOPERATION IDEAS PEOPLE CAPACITIES Total Budget: 53’272 mio € EURATOM Joint Research Centre JRC
The 4 main components of FP7 all types of research and development activities > top-down I. Cooperation frontier / basic research > bottom-up II. Ideas human potential & science careers, & fellowships > bottom-up III. People research and innovation capacities > largely top-down IV. Capacities
COOPERATION 4 specific FP7 programmes Cooperation Billion € Cooperation 10 thematic programmes € 32.4 Ideas basic research (ERC) € 7.5 People Mobility (Marie Curie actions) € 4.7 Capacities 7 horizontal axes € 4.1
COOPERATION at least 3 independent partners in 3 different Member States (MS) or Associated Countries (AC) 10 thematic programmes top-down: EC defines topics and format (‘funding scheme’) of projects
Cooperation – 10 Thematic Programmes
IDEAS Cooperation 10 thematic programmes € 32.4 Ideas 4 specific FP7 programmes Billion € Cooperation 10 thematic programmes € 32.4 Ideas basic research (ERC) € 7.5 People Mobility (Marie Curie actions) € 4.7 Capacities 7 horizonal axes € 4.1
IDEAS – Basic Research support for individual researchers or teams, led by a Principal Investigator (PI) ERC Starting Independent Research Grant (2-10 yrs after PhD) ERC Advanced Investigator Grant (experienced top scientists) all fields of science are eligible (3 panels) investigator-driven, bottom-up excellence is the only criterion host organisation to be located in an EU Member State (MS) or Associated Country (AC)
PEOPLE (Marie Curie actions) 4 Specific FP7 programmes Billion € Cooperation 10 thematic programmes € 32.4 Ideas basic research (ERC) € 7.5 People Mobility (Marie Curie actions) € 4.7 Capacities 7 horizonal axes € 4.1
PEOPLE aiming at supporting individuals any topic trans-nationality = go abroad! (or come back) no age limit for researchers (but research experience) actions open to researchers worldwide individual fellowships host-driven actions
CAPACITIES Cooperation 10 thematic programmes € 32.4 Ideas 4 Specific FP7 programmes Billion € Cooperation 10 thematic programmes € 32.4 Ideas basic research (ERC) € 7.5 People Mobility (Marie Curie actions) € 4.7 Capacities 7 horizontal axes € 4.1
CAPACITIES 47% : Support for existing & for new Research Infrastructures (top-down) 30% Research for and by SMEs (bottom-up) 23% Other programmes (e.g. Science in Society) largely organised along the lines of the Cooperation programmes
So far, so good, but … … where do I fit in?
Project Idea Where do my plans fit in? What is my main aim? Where do my plans fit in? career development (my own or that of others)? People, Ideas work in an international group of researchers? develop new strategies, technologies, substances? Cooperation, Capacities First of all, for a successful participation you need to make sure your project idea fits as precisely as possible to the work programme of the particular thematic domain in FP7 and to the call text.
What you should know about statistics
An example : Energy