Strategy, targets and methods of operation for Jemaah Islamiya (JI) Monica Kamal
strategy JI’s strategy is based on religious indoctrination. They don’t just train their men in fighting they also send them to religious school so that they can be ready spiritually. They want to eliminate democracy and create an Allahcracy.
Targets Near enemy: Indonesian government, Filipino government, and to an extent the government of Singapore and Thailand. Far enemy: western powers. In the past they have targeted Christians and priests. Bali attack 2002
Methods of operation Bombs!!! They have used various kinds of bombs to carry out all their attacks. It makes improvements to their bomb design rather than having new innovations and techniques. Even though JI has its own structure, Al Qaeda has influenced its timing and targets for an attack.
Goals Its goal is to establish a caliphate and take over the Indonesian government. However, it has a very hard time establishing those goals because it doesn't have enough power to attack well- protected targets.