Line Creek Physical Education
Physical Education Is More Than Just GYM Class It is a time for: Helping students value sportsmanship, honesty, and fair play. Respecting feelings and contributions of others. Encouraging problem solving skills as well as independent thinking skills. Working on effective communication skills. Regular exercise to promote healthy bodies.
Locomotor Skills Personal Space Flexibility Sportsmanship Respect Physical Education BAV (Building Academic Vocabulary) Kindergarten-2nd Grade Locomotor Skills Personal Space Flexibility Sportsmanship Respect Health Nutrition Fitness Exercise Heart Rate
Physical Education BAV (Building Academic Vocabulary) 3rd-5th Grade Competition vs. Recreation Aerobic Exercise Muscle Strength Muscle Endurance Pace Lifetime Sport Team Sport Hygiene
Learning Goals: Kindergarten-2nd Grade Unit 1: Foundations of Physical Education Students will demonstrate spatial awareness through moving safely in personal and general space. Students will demonstrate fundamental movement skills through locomotor and non-locomotor activities. Students will demonstrate the ability to learn, share, cooperate and be safe with others. Unit 2: Movement and Muscles Students will be able to identify major bones and muscles and tell why they are important for movement.
Unit 3: Fitness Principles Students will identify healthy food choices. Students will tell the importance of being physically active and give examples of what it means to be fit. Students will be able to tell the importance of warm up and cool down. Students will be able to identify activities outside of school that promote wellness. Unit 4: Fundamental Movement Skills Students will demonstrate motor skills using manipulatives. Students will participate in organized games with small groups and partners. Students will demonstrate proper technique for a variety of fundamental skills.
Unit 5: Stunts and Tumbling Students will demonstrate basic apparatus activities. Students will demonstrate individual stunts and balance activities. Unit 6: Rhythmic Activities Students will participate in rhythmic activities.
Learning Goals: Grades 3-5 Unit 1: Foundations of Physical Education Students will demonstrate and apply rules to all activities. Students will demonstrate appropriate social skills while working with diverse ability groups. Unit 2: Movement and Muscles Students will recognize and demonstrate warm up and cool down activities to be safe and prevent injuries. Students will identify major muscles and how it applies to movement. Unit 3: Fitness Principles Identify health related fitness components and set personal goals. Participate in health related fitness assessments and analyze individual strengths and weaknesses. Name the major functions of the cardio respiratory system.
Unit 4: Wellness Students will identify the benefits of physical activity and healthy food choices and how it relates to overall wellness. Explain how the body responds to physical activity. Identify and explain the effects of aerobic and anaerobic activity. Unit 5: Sports Skills and Strategies Demonstrate a variety of sport specific lead up games while following the rules and cooperating with others. Apply fundamental skills in game and practice situations while using simple strategies. Demonstrate and provide feedback for proper technique in a variety of sport specific skills. Unit 6: Stunts and Tumbling Students will demonstrate basic apparatus activities. Students will demonstrate combination tumbling skills. Unit 7: Rhythmic Activities Students will demonstrate rhythmic activities.
FITNESSGRAM The FITNESSGRAM physical fitness assessment is not based on athletic ability, but on good health. FITNESSGRAM includes a number of different assessments because fitness has multiple components. Some kids have good muscular fitness but need improvement on aerobic fitness. We focus on four assessments: 1. PACER ( Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run) 2. Curl Ups 3. Pushups 4. Sit and Reach (flexibility) Data is collected from Fifth Grade students and provided to the state of Missouri to be used to study trends. Grades 3-5 work on meeting HFZ (Healthy Fitness Zones) for different assessments. All grade levels run the PACER.
Observational Assessment Checklist
Fifth Grade District Track Meet Mark Your Calendars! Fifth Grade District Track Meet May 9:30-2:00 Park Hill High School Stadium
All School Field Day- May
Physical Education Contact Information: Amy Happy Phone Number: 816-359-4320