I. You are the ____ of the earth (v. 13) You can provide the _______ they need as ____ become the salt of the earth. ______ ___________ _______ salt remedy you Flavor Preservative Healing
II. You are the ____ of the world Christians are the only ones that have the true Light in a ____ world. The world needs the light of Christ, which is the ______ that will drive away the darkness. light dark power
II. You are the light of the world A. ______ of Light 1. __________ shines brighter 2. Lights do not ____ themselves (v. 15) Power More light hide
II. You are the light of the world A. Power of Light 3. Your light is meant to give _________ (v. 16) The goal of living for Christ in front of others is to bring ___________ God glory glory to God
Sticky Statement Salt and light are meant to be tasted and seen.