Class Syllabus for 7th Accel/Tag Math 1st 6 weeks: Number concepts Equations and Inequalities 2nd 6 weeks: Pythagorean Theorem Volume and Surface Area Dilations 3rd 6 weeks: Transformations Developing Slope 4th 6 weeks: Linear Relationships Statistics 5th 6 weeks: Personal Financial Literacy STAAR Prep Probability 6th 6 weeks: Probability
7th Accel/TAG Math Pathways 8th Alg/ TAG Alg 9th Geom/ PAP/TAG 10th Alg 2/ PAP/TAG 11th Precal/PAP/TAG 12th AP Stat/ Calc AB/BC
Correct Math Placement Helps… Eliminate gaps in MS math concepts, some of which are not covered in Alg or Geom. SAT/ACT Tests are 60% 8th grade math concepts Higher overall grades in math Higher GPA Better Rank at WW
Normal Distribution Curve
Reasons to come to tutoring: Tues:7:45am – 8:10am Thurs: 3:45pm – 4:30pm Reasons to come to tutoring: Makeup work from absence Test/Quiz corrections Re-Test or Re-Quiz Needing clarification on specific topic
25% daily work 75% assessments Grading Policy (in class and homework) (quiz/notebook quiz – 25%) (test – 50%)
Assessment Retake Policy Student can retake any assessment that they did not achieve a 70%. If the student scores higher than a 70% on a retake, they will receive the grade of 70%. Retake must take place within 2 weeks and the student will be required to make corrections on their original assessment and attend tutorials. Only 1 retake is permitted per assessment. Note: if your student is in need of retaking more than 1 assessment per semester, it is likely that they are misplaced in their math class and I will be contacting the parents about moving them to an appropriate class.
Late/ Absent Work If a student is absent, it is their responsibility to get the work that was missed. He/she will have the same number of days they were gone to turn in the makeup work. If your student is out for more than 2 days, I suggest you contact me so I can leave their work in the student center for pick up. If they miss an assessment, they will be expected to take it when all their makeup work is due. If your student fails to turn in an assignment on time, there will be a 20 point penalty for turning it in 1 day late. After that, there will be an additional 5 points taken off for each day. After 3 weeks, the work will not be accepted for any credit.
You can expect a reply within 1 day, unless its the weekend. Contacting Me: Best way is by email rather than the phone. I check my email throughout the day and my phone only once. You can expect a reply within 1 day, unless its the weekend.
College Room Decor If you would like to have your college represented on our walls for the school year, please feel free to donate a pennant to our collection. I can give you a website to order if needed.