Social Network Dilemmas – What should you do?
Name: Form: Date: Dilemma What should you do? Dilemma 1 You’ve received a friend request from someone you don’t know. Dilemma 2 Your friend from school has just posted on your wall asking for your mobile number. Dilemma 3 You are setting up your profile – do you let people see your email address?
Dilemma what should you do? Continuation… You’ve been tagged in an embarrassing photo by a friend and you’re not happy about it. Dilemma 5 An online friend has been using foul language most of his posts. If your mum sees these on your page she will ban you from the site for sure! Dilemma 6 Your friend has sent you a private message – he wants your log in details.
Dilemma what should you do? Continuation… You’ve just realised that there is a feature in the social network site that allows you to share your location using your mobile phone. Dilemma 8 You’ve just had a comment on your last status post from a friend you only know online, asking you where the skate park is. Dilemma 9 You’ve received a private message from a friend that worries you.
Dilemma what should you do? Continuation… You’ve received an application request from a friend. Dilemma 11 You’ve just uploaded an album of your holidays in France – You now need to decide who can see the photos. Dilemma 12 You’ve just used the ‘create an event’ feature to tell everyone that you are having a party on Saturday night – who are you going to share this
Dilemma what should you do? Continuation… You’re just setting up your account – You’ve input your date of birth and have been told you are ineligible to sign up to Facebook – this is probably because you’re only twelve… Dilemma 14 You’ve taken some photos of your friends at school today and need to decide whether to upload them... Dilemma 15 You’ve just received another nasty message on your wall from a boy at school whom you’ve fallen out with...