Behavior of Gases Byeong-Joo Lee Thermodynamics POSTECH - MSE
Equation of State - Real Gases ▷ as p → 0 ▷ Critical Point
Equation of State - Real Gases: Compressibility factor Z @ 0 oC
Law of Corresponding States Reduced variables
van der Waals Gas - Basic Concept The particles of a real gas occupy a finite volume The particles of a real gas have mutual interactions
van der Waals Gas Prove that the van der Waals gases follow the law of corresponding states
van der Waals constants for real gases
Isothermal behavior of van der Waals gases
van der Waals behavior - example: CO2
※ Other EOS: Virial Equation van der Waals behavior - Heat of Evaporation ※ Other EOS: Virial Equation