Finding a Good Career Fit Career Decisions Finding a Good Career Fit
Why People Work Reasons Needs- things required to survive (food, clothing, shelter) Wants- extras that add to quality of life Goals- a desired end toward which efforts are directed Identity-who you are
Factors Affecting Career Choice Values-ideals that are important to you Lifestyle-way people choose to live life Aptitudes-Natural, physical or mental abilities Interests- things you like to do Personal qualities-things that make you unique
Steps in Career Planning Self-analysis What are you good at Research Seek information Talk to people in field Job-shadow Get part-time job in field Plan of action Develop skills necessary Education Re-evaluation Every 5 years look at where you choices are leading Possible job change?
Planning out your time
Steps in Planning
Steps in Career Planning Assignment Self-Assessment Checklist (Strengths, Weaknesses, Plan of Action) Pg.13 in textbook. Follow figure 1-4