Stereotypes exist all over the world. 27-Nov-18 Starter Stereotypes exist all over the world. Are they ever fair? Think of some you know. English American German French
What Stereotypes can you see in these pictures? Starter Stages of our lives. What do these characters and images tell us? How do you feel about these stereotypes and the way in which they are used? Do you think these stereotypes are true?
Make a list of male and female stereotypes. Activity Male Female
Starter What do you think about these pictures? Are they all offensive?
Stereotypes and sexism Objectives By the end of this lesson you should be able to… Discuss sexist stereotypes explain religious views regarding equality and sexism Keywords Sexism, prejudice, stereotype, equality
Make a list of male and female jobs. Activity Male Female
Challenging Stereotypes What do these characters and images tell us? How do you feel about these pictures, do they challenge stereotypes? Do you think these pictures present ‘truth’? 4
Why do you think the niqab (full veil) has been banned in France? Should the niqab be banned? Activity
Which do you agree with and why? Is the hijab liberating or oppressive? ‘Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty….And say to the believing women that they should draw their veils and not display their beauty except to their husbands and other close family.’ Demonstrate It is even more likely to bring about the opposite of what God intended by exposing wearers of headscarves to discrimination. Which do you agree with and why? Why might some Muslim women choose not to wear it? The Muslim woman against wearing the headscarf is called Lamya Kaddor. Below is the link to the article she wrote about it. The idea here is to get students to understand that the hijab is worn by many, but by no means all Muslim women. It’s their choice.
Click on the symbols below to see teachings and beliefs about the role of women
Design a poster to promote equality between men and women KS2: Stereotyping in the Media: Starter exercise Ask pupils to decide (in their heads) which one of these six people in the pictures they would most like to have as their teacher A teacher A doctor 3) The Criminal- Gerrah Selby: After joining Shac (Stop Huntington Animal Cruelty) she became active in violent protests against companies in the UK and Europe, where she and others targeted families and their homes associated with the testing on animals for medical research. 4) The Headteacher 5) The Mechanic 6) Patrik-Ian Polk – Gay and black actor You might want to challenge stereotypes and mention religious views
“I was born here, I’ve never been to Bangladesh. I certainly don’t Write a caption for this picture. Plenary “I was born here, I’ve never been to Bangladesh. I certainly don’t feel Bangladeshi. So when they say, ‘Go back home,’ where should I go? Wearing my niqab does not mean I do not want to be a part of British society, it means I am proud of my religion. It makes me feel safe and secure.” SAJIDA KHATON, a Londoner who wears a full-face Muslim veil.