Company Scenario Dewey, Wright, and Howe Team Communication: Working in a Multicultural, Online Environment Dewey, Wright, and Howe LLP
Learning Objectives Collaborate in a wiki to produce team results Practice participating in meetings and giving and receiving feedback Manage conflict in a multicultural environment
Process Overview Step 1: Learn about the project requirements and company Step 2: Meet as a team to complete the work plan Step 3: Begin working in Wiggio Step 4: Receive and respond to feedback about the Project Work Plan Step 5: Contribute research and ideas Step 6: Submit the Orientation Plan Step 7: Receive and respond to feedback about the Orientation Plan Step 8: Debrief team performance on the project
Learn About the Project Requirements and Company Step One Learn About the Project Requirements and Company
To Complete Step One Read the Company Overview and Who’s Who Read the Project Work Plan Read instructions for Step 1
Who’s Who Bob Wright, Managing Director Karla Zimmermann, Managing Partner, Berlin Office Akira Yamashita, Managing Partner, Tokyo Office U.S. Partners Chief Operating Officer Sondra Simmons, HR Manager Mark Golding, HR Recruiter
Meet as a Team to Complete the Project Work Plan Step Two Meet as a Team to Complete the Project Work Plan
To Complete Step Two Complete the Team Meeting Feedback form and debrief the meeting Hold an in-person team meeting to determine who will do what by when Read instructions for Step 2
Meeting Preparation Who will lead the meeting? How will you ensure that the time and place are communicated clearly? What can the facilitator do to ensure that all members participate? How will you divide up the work? Who will take notes and complete the final version of Project Work Plan? How can everyone contribute positively to the process and outcome of the meeting?
Explain Your Feedback What is a good structure for giving each other feedback? How can you present your feedback and suggestions in a positive, supportive way? How can you receive feedback without getting defensive?
Team Meeting Feedback
Begin Working in Wiggio Step Three Begin Working in Wiggio
To Complete Step Three Finalize and post the completed Project Work Plan on Wiggio Create a Wiggio group Watch the Wiggio video Read instructions for Step 3
Use Wiggio Functionality Upload documents to the folder Keep a shared calendar Schedule conference calls and chats
Receive and Respond to Feedback About Your Project Work Plan Step Four Receive and Respond to Feedback About Your Project Work Plan
To Complete Step Four Respond to the feedback Discuss how to respond to the feedback (conference call or chat) Set up a conference call or chat Read email feedback from the HR recruiter Read instructions for Step 4
Options for Your Response Involve Sondra Ask for clarification about the project requirements Ask for direction Explain your understanding of the project Express concern Leave a voicemail message
Contribute Research and Ideas Step Five Contribute Research and Ideas
To Complete Step Five Post your own ideas about what activities could be included in the Orientation Plan Research and post links with sample orientation programs Research and post links about orientation programs Read instructions for Step 5
Information Needed Research about Orientation Programs Sample Orientation Programs
Identify Activities for the Three Phases of Orientation Before the start date On the first day After one week
Submit Your Orientation Plan Step Six Submit Your Orientation Plan
To Complete Step Six Finalize and post the Orientation Plan Provide feedback and revisions of the draft Draft an Orientation Plan Read instructions for Step 6
Finalizing the Plan Compile activities for the three phases of orientation Provide feedback (in person or online) on each other’s ideas Make revisions Submit final plan
Receive and Respond to Feedback About Your Orientation Plan Step Seven Receive and Respond to Feedback About Your Orientation Plan
To Complete Step Seven Respond to feedback about the Orientation Plan Discuss how to respond Read email feedback Read instructions for Step 7
Considerations What do you know about multicultural communication that will help you understand the messages from the German and Japanese partners? How can you adapt your own communication style to ensure that your response is received the way you intend? How can you address the feedback in Ms. Zimmerman’s email without being defensive or blaming Sondra for her instructions? How can you clarify the misunderstanding evident in Mr. Yamashita’s email without offending or embarrassing him?
Debrief Team Performance on the Project Step Eight Debrief Team Performance on the Project
To Complete Step Eight Meet in person to discuss Complete the Project Debrief form Read instructions for Step 8
Project Debrief Questions In what ways did you work well together as a team? What, specifically, do you think was the highlight of your work together on this project? What do you think could have been improved about your team performance? How could you, personally, have contributed differently to the team? Overall, what did you learn from this team experience? How will this affect how you work with teams in the future?