The Home Base Professional Development Tool
Why is online PD attractive/effective? Session Objectives: identify and locate professional development resources available in the Home Base system. select appropriate online professional development implementation models that meet specific local needs. explore and understand the potential of the Home Base Professional Development System. Why is online PD attractive/effective?
Courses Offered by NC DPI
Accessing PD in Home Base
Models for implementation: maximizing learning opportunities Districts and charters should determine which model best serves the needs of their educators and can best be supported by available resources.
Cohort or PLC with an on-site facilitator: Synchronous or blended learning
Cohort or PLC with an on-site facilitator: Synchronous or blended learning LEA appointed on-site facilitator guides and monitors progress. Educators complete the module as a group. Participants work independently online and collaboratively face-to- face. Facilitator is present with the team during group meetings. Facilitator leads and coordinates discussions, implements timelines, sets beginning and end dates, and coordinates meetings. Face-to-face meetings can occur during PLC meetings, staff meetings, or department meetings, before and after school, during half-day sessions, or as decided by the LEA.
Cohort or PLC with online facilitator
Cohort or PLC with online facilitator Similar to last model except that the facilitator and learners meet online not face-to-face. Districts provide facilitator and a means of online interaction. Communication can be asynchronous manner (where participants do not have to be present at the same time) Ex. Edmodo, LMS like Moodle, blogs wikis etc. synchronously (when the group meets in “real-time” on a regular, scheduled basis). Ex. Go-to-Meeting, Adobe Connect.
Cohort or PLC without a facilitator
Cohort or PLC without a facilitator Though we strongly recommend using a facilitator to maximize learning from the modules…. A group of educators can work together as a team. Start and complete the module together. Arrange for times to meet and hold group discussions.
Independent learning
Cohort or PLC with an online instructor
Cohort or PLC with an online instructor NCDPI will provide a section of the course. Access to Moodle will be provided. LEA must provide a trained and qualified instructor for each section. Instructor will be able to teach a separate section of the module. The instructor has the ability to customize the modules somewhat through discussion forums and incorporation of more collaborative learning. Instructor will be able to teach a separate section of the module as a course for a particular cohort of learners. Only learners enrolled by the local agency in question will be enrolled in that section of the module. The instructor will be enrolled as a teacher within the course, with the ability to manage Moodle embedded features such as discussion forums and wikis. Teachers will have the ability to customize the modules somewhat through discussion forums and incorporation of more collaborative learning. Districts are strongly encouraged to use trained and experienced online teachers.
Course taught by an NCDPI instructor Cross state collaboration Expert teachers
State-level Titles in Catalogue Global Awareness Differentiation Understanding by Design Teaching Standards Executive Standards Evaluation Process These are titles that you might recommend to teachers. And you may decide to build your own PD
Locating the Help Guides Help guides & help guide screen shot mini-module
Just Keep Scrolling Documents and short videos
Self-paced Mini-module: Creating & Managing PD through Home Base Course #1906 Creating & Managing PD through Home Base This mini-module will take you through the process of creating, managing, and delivering professional development through Home Base — whether self-paced or instructor-led, Moodle-based or non-Moodle. It does not delve deeply into best practices for teacher professional development nor teach you to use Moodle but focuses on the use of the Home Base PD tool itself. The mini-module should take you approximately 3 hours to complete. No credit will be recorded on the PD system transcript; however, your administration may combine this mini-module with additional staff development to award credit at the local level. What module does/doesn’t address Help guides & help guide screen shot mini-module
How Might the PD Tool Work for... •Brainstorm ideas for future modules applicable across the state. •Brainstorm ways to implement the PD System within districts and charters. Audience shares then move to next slide. --post-it notes on chart paper at front of the room Second bullet could also include content ideas to meet local needs.
District and Charter Ideas Align to/support strategic plan Align to/support School Improvement Goals “Just in Time” learning Maintain a record of locally developed PD If this is a renewal year, set up the group with a couple of courses to make sure they’re meeting their goal for credits. What other ideas and suggestions?
Power Users Define Power Users At the beginning of the Session -turn and talk about uses within district or charter -give definition of power user -would you consider self power user, if so, please consider these questions for the group. At the end of the Session Just ask the audience--- if yes-go with it if no-then note that this similar to what we’ve seen and this session is a refresher
Power Users How do you use the PD System? What type(s) of courses are you implementing? What challenges have you faced implementing the PD System? How have you addressed those challenges? Who is creating the courses? What is your process for creating courses? What challenges have you faced creating courses? How have you addressed these challenges? At the end of the Session Ask the audience if anyone feels they meet the definition of Power User. If yes--ask if they would address the questions on the slide and share with audience. If no--ask participants to turn and talk, addressing just the first set of questions.
Thank you!