Parent-Student Introduction BTEC Level 3 (Extended)
What is a Btec Level 3? 2 Year Course Equivalent 3 A Levels 13 units across the two years Internal assessment External assessment
BTEC courses BTEC courses are now externally (exams) and internally assessed. It is vital that the internally assessed work produced is their own and that they feel that the grade awarded is a fair assessment of their work.
Assessment Internal Assessment-marked at the school External Assessment-marked by Pearson Two written exams Two controlled tasks Grades awarded Pass / Merit / Distinction
Resubmissions-Internal One resubmission is allowed for internal work If deadline is not meet then they lose the option of a resubmission 15 days (3 school weeks) to resubmit work
Types of Internal Assessment Written report Research projects Presentations Logbooks Interviews
Retakes-External One retake allowed If you fail in the Summer-you can retake in January All students must pass every external unit
Expectations Meet deadlines! Be organised Read and research Keep a record of the information you find and the sources Plan your work in a logical order and keep a record of your progress Talk to your teachers about your ideas and how to achieve the best results Meet deadlines Keep a record of the work you have completed, including the grades and points you have been awarded
What will be expected of you? Produce good quality work with high standards of grammar and spelling Present your work in a suitable format according to the departments policy Evaluate your work and make suggestions for improvement Meet deadlines Keep a record of the work you have completed, including the grades and points you have been awarded Get it right first time!
St. Mary’s University 104 UCAS points Extended Diploma AS level A level UCAS tariff points D*D*D* 168 D*D*D 160 D*DD 152 DDD 144 DDM 128 DMM 112 104 MMM 96 84 MMP 80 78 72 MPP 64 60 A* 56 St. Mary’s University 104 UCAS points BSc Hons Sport and Exercise Science