Introduce Yourself Name Where you are from Something about personally (hobby, family, interests etc) Undergraduate major Brief work experience—particularly any OB experience
COURSE PHILOSOPHY "I never teach my pupils; I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn." Albert Einstein "Tell me and I'll forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I'll understand." Chinese Proverb “You become what you practice most” Socrates
COURSE OBJECTIVES A cognitive understanding of behavior in different contexts and An ability to undertake those activities. Methodology: Topical Lecture Experiential Exercises Case Analyses
COURSE EXPECTATIONS Reading Participation 150 points Self, peer, instructor evaluations Attendance, lectures, cases, group activities Case Analyses 75 points Analyze 7 cases using discussion questions on the website 5 cases must be typed up (double spaced, 12 point font) Introduction, Analysis, Conclusion No late analyses will be accepted These are to be done individually Group Projects 175 January 13; January 20; January 27 (75) April 21 (100) Exams 600 (3 @ 200)
Now that’s bad management! Individuals think of an experience of bad management at work. These should be specific events, not just general situations Due by 1/20 (3 points off for each day after 1/20). Type up a 1-2 page summary in which you: Summarize the event; tell what happened. Identify what went wrong and why. Identify the 2-3 most important OB issues at play here, from the list of topics we’ll be covering this semester: Managing teams, individual differences/diversity, decision making, motivation, job design, leadership, communication, conflict & negotiation, and power & politics. Describe why you think those topics are key to the situation you described. Groups compare experiences of bad management at work. Choose the most outrageous event from among the candidates. Present the situation to the class (1/27) in 20 minutes.
3 WEEK SCHEDULE Wednesday (1/13) Monday (1/18): Form Groups Email (subject line: MBA 707)—Due by Friday 1/15 Group (required): Group Name; Leader; Individuals and category; Individual (optional): preferred email; 4 digit numerical code (optional) Photo (Bring to class or I will take it) Group Time (bring your individual experience) Name Plate Monday (1/18): No Class
3 WEEK SCHEDULE Wednesday (1/20) Monday (1/25) Wednesday (1/27) Chapter 1 plus pages 71-72 and 127-128 Personal Example (formally) Monday (1/25) Bagel Hockey Case Wednesday (1/27) Presentations on a first-come, first-serve basis