WORKING CAPITAL FUNDS (WCF) SHOW SLIDE 1: WORKING CAPITAL FUNDS (WCF) SECTION I. : Working Capital Funds ADMINISTRATIVE DATA All Courses Including This Lesson Course Number Version Course Title 01 Planning Programming Budget & Execution Course (PPBE) Task(s) Task Number Individual Taught (*) or Academic Hours The academic hours required to teach this lesson are as follows: Resident Hours/Methods Academic Hours/Method 0.0 hrs Introduction/Conference Discussion 0.0 hrs Conference Discussion 0.0 hrs Summary 0.0 hrs Total Time Test Lesson Number Testing (to include test review) Hours -0 hrs Lesson Number - Prerequisite Lesson(s) Lesson Number Lesson Title Identify the Army’s Manpower Management Process Security Level: Unclassified Requirements: There are no clearance or access requirements for the lesson. Foreign Disclosure Restrictions FD5. This product/publication has been reviewed by the product developers in coordination with the Fort Jackson Soldier Support Institute foreign disclosure authority. This product is releasable to students from all requesting foreign countries without restrictions. Instructor Requirements Must meet physical qualifications IAW AR 600-9. Materials Required Instructor Materials: Lesson plan slides and Manpower Management Summary Sheet Student Materials: Manpower Management Summary Sheet Classroom, Training Area, and Range Requirements General Purpose Classroom - 25 Seats Instructional Guidance Note: Before presenting this lesson, instructors must thoroughly prepare by studying this lesson and identified reference material. Also, provide the students with situational awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. Proponent Lesson Plan Approvals Name Rank Position Date Harris, Norman CTR Writer/Developer xx-xxx-xxxx Bonig, Reid GS-12 Chief - FMITD xx-xxx-xxxx Davis, Bobby LTC FM-DOT xx-xxx-xxxx Zellars, Eric COL Commandant xx-xxx-xxxx Motivator: Anyone ever had to call up DPW to fix leaking pipes – they take their time - not too concerned with customer satisfaction – why? They already have their money - they are funded by DA –whether they help you or not – they already got paid. Anybody run into this problem? A lot of times with housing. Changed - They don’t get funding straight from DA every year. They get paid after they complete the project. Now customer service comes into play. They are actually paid by the customer / unit they provide the service / support for. So either they provide a good service or else the customer will go somewhere else No year appropriation 11/27/2018 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SCHOOL
Terminal Learning Objective Action: Conditions: Standard: Identify the Working Capital Funds. Given a summary sheet containing DoDFMR 7000.14R, Vol 11A, 11B, 2A, and slides. With 80% accuracy; Recognize types of cost, fund concepts, fund objectives, WCF business areas, and funding sources. SHOW SLIDE 13: Terminal Learning Objective A little history - The Defense Business Operating Fund (DBOF) was abolished on 11 Dec 1996, by Program Budget Decision 426 and divided into four funds: Working Capital Fund (WCF), Navy WCF, Air Force WCF and Army WCF. Currently portions of this program are now combined under the Single Stock Fund which I’m sure some of you have used. Book info 11/27/2018 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SCHOOL
Working Capital Funds: Operate Like a Business Must produce: A quality product On time At the lowest possible cost Buyer/Seller relationship Customers pay for orders Production dependent on orders Must be competitive Operates on a profit/loss basis (goal is to break even) Use of business performance indicators SHOW SLIDE 3: WCFs: Operate Like a Business WCFs have to compete with other WCF’s and outside vendors for business. If a WCF has no business in two years it can be dissolved. So a working capital fund must produce a quality product, deliver it in a timely manner, at a reasonable cost in order to survive. The WCFs survive by entering into a buyer seller relationship with its customers. Meaning customers order from the WCF and then are billed for the things that they request. The seller can only provide services for paying customers. Why? It is these funds that will be used to sustain the WCF. Operate - The goal of a working capital fund is to break even. Use of business performance indicators - Because this fund operates like a business it needs to track all costs and ensure that it is operating in a profitable manner. It also must keep close tabs to what competitors are doing both in and outside the government if it wants to stay competitive on price and product offerings. 11/27/2018 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SCHOOL
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SCHOOL Fund Concept SELLER / PROVIDER PAYMENT OF BILL EXPENDITURES SHOW SLIDE 4: Fund Concept A provider of a good or service receives an order from a customer, such as an installation. They use their on-hand labor and materials to provide the service or good to the customer and ship that product to the customer. This generates a bill that the customer will pay - utilizing the appropriate funds. These funds/payments will go back to the working capital fund to offset supplies consumed and labor and overhead expenses that can be attributed to providing the service or goods in the first place. If this transaction works properly the working capital fund should break even since it charges the customer all expenses incurred with the transaction. Most important thing for a WCF is to capture all costs associated with providing the product or service. CUSTOMERS BILLING PRODUCT OR SERVICE 11/27/2018 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SCHOOL
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SCHOOL Fund Objectives Create buyer/seller relationship Adopt business practices Stabilize rates Break even Identify total costs SHOW SLIDE 5: Fund Objectives Create buyer/seller relationships - With this program - customers are allowed to "shop around" for their items of support among providers. This process forces AWCF organizations to adopt current business practices to stay competitive or face elimination. 2) Adopt Business Practices - become cost conscience 3) Id Total Costs - all direct, indirect, and any general and administrative costs (expenses) incurred to furnish the item, product or service are included in the unit cost per item. 4) Break Even - Want to break even (Revenues - Costs = Break Even) Civ business – profit / WCF - Break Even (Long term - break even (can have short term losses / profits) 5) Stabilize Rates – The working capital fund locks prices for the year for planning purposes – so customers can budget. They need to project demand out to figure price (ID all costs). What happens if not planned right – can have a loss (ie – charge 1.00 / widget lock it in – actually 1.10 – lose .10 / widget) 11/27/2018 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SCHOOL
Types of Costs Direct Costs Indirect Costs Other costs to consider Direct Labor and Materials Direct Contracts Indirect Costs Second Line Supervisors Indirect Materials Other costs to consider General and Admin Expenses Staff Functions Base Operations (BASOPS) (big with depots) SHOW SLIDE 6: Types of Costs Direct - Costs that are clearly attributable to a specific product or service. Indirect - Costs that are associated with a product or service, but are not directly attributable to just one product or service Other costs to consider: General and admin expenses - Expenses that cannot be reasonably associated with any particular output and are allocated over all the outputs As stated earlier the key is that a WCF Needs to find total costs - Activity Based Costing is getting big when it comes to this. - ABC is big with Government Accounting – City of Indianapolis gets a lot of kudos for this (Business areas) 11/27/2018 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SCHOOL
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SCHOOL DWCF Business Areas Commissaries Depot Maintenance Distribution Depots Financial Operations Industrial Plant Equipment Information Services Logistics Support Activities SHOW SLIDE 7: DWCF Business Areas The following are the business areas that are currently financed through the Defense WCF financial structure Each business area is an aggregation of activities within a Component that provides goods and services. 11/27/2018 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SCHOOL
More DWCF Business Areas Printing and Publication Services Public Works Reutilization and Marketing Service Research and Development Supply Management Transportation SHOW SLIDE 8: More DWCF Business Areas 11/27/2018 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SCHOOL
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SCHOOL AWCF Areas Depot Maintenance Information Services Ordnance Supply Management (including Single Stock Fund) SHOW SLIDE 9: AWCF Areas DEP - OH Ones that are Army specific AWCF.pdf 11/27/2018 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SCHOOL
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SCHOOL Funding Sources Congressional Appropriations Operating Budget – 1st Year Annual Costs (start up costs) Capital Budget - unit cost of $100,000 or more useful life of two or more years (depreciable assets) Reimbursements by Customers Orders (also known as “Operating Resources”) SHOW SLIDE 10: Funding Sources WCF activities have two sources of funds - Congressional Appropriations and customer reimbursements. Congressional Appropriations are further subdivided into two categories: operating budgets and capital budgets Operating budgets - 1st year annual costs to get started. This is appropriated by Congress on a one-time basis. Capital Budgets - This is a separate appropriation to buy something to help setup the WCF. The item must cost at least $100,000 or more, have a useful life of two or more years, and be a depreciable assets - examples are in-house or contracted software development or a large one time productivity initiative The other funding source is Customer Reimbursements. The reimbursements are the income generated from the daily business operations of WCF activities. Simply put, it is what the buyers pay the sellers 11/27/2018 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SCHOOL
A “NO YEAR” APPROPRIATION WCF Treasury Symbol 097XXXX4930 SHOW SLIDE 11: WCF Treasury Symbol How is it accounted for? The WCF is a revolving fund. 3rd number is appropriation - so x is “no year” appropriation (no expired or unexpired state) Bottom line - It doesn't expire - unless there is no activity in the fund for more than two years or unless designated by the USD (C) (97 means its DoD) (How can you get into trouble - Potential funding violations) A “NO YEAR” APPROPRIATION 11/27/2018 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SCHOOL
Potential Funding Violations Negative cash balance Violating floors, ceilings & limitations Performing work without an order Cost overruns knowing customer can’t pay Transferring costs to avoid cost overrun Using wrong funding source SHOW SLIDE 12: Potential Funding Violations WCF business areas and activities must operate under the same fiscal laws as other appropriated funds. Some of the major causes that could lead to a funding violation are: Responsibility for prosecuting antideficiency violations is held by the USD (C); however, the activity whose actions led to the violation(s) is held accountable for them. CHECK ON LEARNING Q: Is the goal of working capital funds to generate a loss so customer funds may benefit? A: False Q: What is the long term financial objective of the WCF? A: Break Even (Revenues = Costs) Q: What costs are used to determine prices? A: Direct and Indirect 11/27/2018 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SCHOOL 805A-BSK-1003-VG-10
Check On Learning True / False. Working Capital funds are not concerned with direct and indirect costs. Q. When do working capital funds reach the expired state? True / False. The goal of the Working Capital Fund is to generate a loss so customers may benefit. False They don’t expire False
Terminal Learning Objective Action: Conditions: Standard: Identify the Working Capital Funds. Given a summary sheet containing DoDFMR 7000.14-R, Vol 11A, 11B, 2A, and slides. Recognize types of cost, fund concepts, fund objectives, WCF business areas, and funding sources. SHOW SLIDE 13: Terminal Learning Objective A little history - The Defense Business Operating Fund (DBOF) was abolished on 11 Dec 1996, by Program Budget Decision 426 and divided into four funds: Working Capital Fund (WCF), Navy WCF, Air Force WCF and Army WCF. Currently portions of this program are now combined under the Single Stock Fund which I’m sure some of you have used. Book info 11/27/2018 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SCHOOL