CS 139 – Programming Fundamentals


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Presentation transcript:

CS 139 – Programming Fundamentals Dr. Mike Norton Dr. John Bowers

As you come in, seating “chart” by section Back, doors through which you entered Section 3 Section 4 Section 2 Section 5 Section 1 Section 6 Front, podium, screen

As you come in each day Normally, find your section (they will change each class period) and sign the attendance sheet. Get materials for your group (today we will do that later on).

Professor Intros Fill this in as you like. If you send me the slides you want to use, I’ll add them when I fill in the class stats which follow.

Class Intro

Who are we? Class survey results.

Majors Other include Econ, IA, Music, Biology, Math

Why? Meeting major requirements Exploring the major Exploring career options Love working with computers Have tried programming and its fun

What do you want to do…? Create a program Create websites Begin to understand how a computer works Know more about what CS is Want to create programs to solve math problems Become acquainted with Java and similar programs

Experience levels

Apprehension levels

Let’s FLIP this class to some extent In class we’ll do homework/practice problems. Out of class, you will listen to lectures or do reading. WHY?

I use this slide to talk about teaching styles and to oint out that lecture is very small (if found at all). I use this to help introduce the fact that I as an instructor am not going to spoon feed them the material, that while I will help and explain, my job is to provide a learning environment in which they can learn effectively. Teachers do

Our Role Plan and execute the videos and other supplemental materials. Plan the reading, practice exercises. Plan the in class labs and activities. Help coach, guide and challenge you. Provide prompt feedback about your labs and in class work (probably a little slower than the next). Provide prompt feedback for programming assignments and exams.

And I point out that the students themselves have used words like work, interact, question, etc in their description of what students should do in the classroom. Students do

Your role Prepare for class by finishing any labs and reviewing the video tutorials before class begins. Be an active participant in your team. If you don’t understand something, ask for help. If someone on your team doesn’t understand something, offer your help. Listen to one another and respect one another. Ask for clarification, assistance from the instructor where pertinent. See what other students are putting on the board and offer suggestions or question your own answers. Learn, don’t just memorize.

Group Formation We try to put freshmen together and upper classmen together. In other words, pairs will be matched on some similar features. Pairs will stay together through at least the first midterm. Two pairs, or a pair and one or two singles will form classroom teams. We will do this tomorrow so please get the surveys in. This is a reminder that groups will not be random and that we will use the survey for that purpose, so that if they haven’t done so they should fill it out by 5pm Monday. I tell them that there is no late penalty on this assignment if completed by 5 on Monday.

What is this class all about?

Meet two or three other people. Gather into groups of three or four. More formal groups will be built tomorrow. Have 1 (ONE) person from the group go to the front and get a small whiteboard, pen, and eraser for the group. Each person should get out a piece of paper. You will not turn this in, so it can be scratch paper.

Calculate the average of these numbers. 23 53 17 Ans: 31

Calculate the average of these numbers. 14.7 13.8 Ans: 14.25

Calculate the average of these numbers. 3 -5 -25 17 Ans: -2.5

Analyze these examples of calculating an average How are they different? How are they the same? Can we calculate an average of any number of numbers? What would that look like if we don’t know how many numbers?

In your group: Think about the PROCESS of calculating an average. If you were to explain it to someone who did not know how to calculate one, what steps would you tell them. Write down the steps. Test your solution with another set of numbers of your own making. Post your steps on the whiteboard.

Look at the steps on the boards of those around you What attributes do they share? Which one(s) look like they would be easiest to follow? What attributes do those easy ones share? Are there any miracles happening? (Missed steps)

This class is about teaching you to be better problem solvers. You will learn to think a little differently.

Our audience When you write algorithms, or the steps to solving a problem, you will learn to write them for the computer which will require a level of detail and precision that you have probably not used before.

As you leave Erase the whiteboards. Have one person return all materials to the proper bins in the front of the room. Look for the preparation assignment for tomorrow. Plan to fill out the survey if you have already not done so.