課題に対する解決案 May 15, 2015 上村、若尾 1. Support of non sharing environment. Add a new attribute dcterms: source to a resource of ManagedItem type and use it to identify the original resource that triggers the creation of the resource of interest. 2. Measurement resource should not be an inline resource. If we change the Representation of he property of latestMeasurement from Inline to Reference, then it does not conform to the rule of the direction of links. See Page 2 and Page 3. 3. We agreed on the use of tags. We need to agree on where to allow tags and to make modification to the spec. If we accept the proposed change, tags become unnecessary. 4. Use of queries. How and where to use them. If necessary, we need to make query to be ‘SHOULD’. If we accept the proposed change, we do not need to worry about query. We can simplify Section 5.4. 5. Inconsistency on top-level resource between Chapters 5 and 6. See Page 4. 6. Examples in Appendix A does not have ‘latestMeasurement’ property of an Artifact resource. Will modify accordingly. 7. Use case description regarding the creation of Artifact is different from the recent report of quality data validation WG. Change is for the WG report. 8. Others Elimination of generatedDocument tag
Proposed Spec change on Report, Artifact, and Measurement Current version Meaurement should not be an inline resource. Against the rule of direction of property of latestMeasurement. Artifact resource changes its content during the project. Getting measurement from Report requires tags and query. Proposed version Query becomes ‘MAY’. Artifact resource does not change during the project. Artifact targets Measure Artifact targets Latest measurement measurement container 0..* Measure 0..1 Measure 0..1 Measure Measurement Date observes measures 1 Measurement Date observes measures 1 0..* Report collects includes Measurement Container Report collects 1 1
Plan Report Container ScopeItem Project Container Project (Root Resource) Report Container ScopeItem Risk Collection Issue promcode: planContainer workitemContainer riskCollectionContainer issueCollectionContainer Plan ldp:contains WorkItem Artifact Measurement promcode:collects Measure promcode:targets promcode:observes Project Artifact Container Risk Container Promcode: reportContainer scopeitemContainer artifactContainer riskContainer issueContainer measurementContainer Promcode:measures
Table 4 change