CSA 2010 The New Approach
FMCSA’s Current Enforcement Program SafeStat –measurement system used today to determine the safety performance of motor carriers Compliance Review Process –onsite review of a motor carrier’s operations Safety Ratings –result of the Compliance Review, Satisfactory, Conditional, or Unsatisfactory This is a brief explanation of FMCSA’s compliance and enforcement model as it is applied today: SafeStat is the measurement system that collects information from Roadside Inspections and Crash Reports to determine the relative safety of carriers. That measurement score is then used to prioritize which carriers the Agency should go see to look at their business operations. The Compliance Review is the onsite review/investigative procedure that the agency uses to look into the carriers operations. Finally, carriers are issued a Safety Rating of Satisfactory, Marginal or Unsatisfactory based on that Compliance Review
Current System (SafeStat) vs. New CSMS SafeStat: Safety Evaluation Areas (SEAs) CSMS: Behavior Analysis Safety Improvement Categories (BASICs) Driver Fitness Vehicle Maintenance Controlled Substance / Alcohol Cargo- Related Crash Indicator Fatigued Driving Unsafe Driving Vehicle Driver Accident SafeStat is the system that currently identifies carriers for compliance reviews based on 4 broad areas, using limited roadside inspection violations data. CSMS leverages all safety violation data from roadside inspections. CSMS with its 7 BASICs will better pinpoint the type of safety problems that can be surgically addressed with CSA 2010 interventions. Out-of-Service Violations Certain Moving Violations Crash Reports All Safety-based Violations with Risk-based Severity Weights Crash Reports National Training Center
New Measurement System Assesses safety of carriers and CMV drivers based on unsafe behaviors that lead to crashes Calculates safety performance based on 7 Behavior Analysis and Safety Improvement Categories (BASICs) Weights time and severity of violations based on relation to crash risk Uses crash records and all safety-based violations found at roadside Measures carrier safety performance Includes a new tool for use by Safety Investigators to assess driver safety performance In the future, measurement results will support future Safety Fitness Determinations Now in rulemaking; success of CSA 2010 not dependent on rule ALL SAFETY-BASED VIOLATIONS FOUND ROADSIDE GO INTO THE CARRIER SAFETY PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT. ONLY THOSE VIOLATIONS WITHIN THE CONTROL OF THE DRIVER ARE ATTRIBUTED TO HIM/HER Currently, the driver safety performance results are strictly being used as an investigative tool for law enforcement and are not available to carriers, drivers, or the public. Under CSA 2010, FMCSA will not rate or determine the safety fitness of individual CMV drivers beyond what is currently defined in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations. However, this does not preclude FMCSA from developing a driver rating or safety fitness determination process at some time in the future.
New Measurement System –Driver Information All violations count toward a carrier’s score If received while driving for that carrier Only violations within the control of the driver (as deemed by the Agency) count toward a driver’s assessment For example: speeding, hours-of-service violations, etc. Carriers cannot see historic driver assessments Carriers can only see the violations received while the driver was employed by the driver’s current company ALL SAFETY-BASED VIOLATIONS FOUND ROADSIDE GO INTO THE CARRIER SAFETY PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT. ONLY THOSE VIOLATIONS WITHIN THE CONTROL OF THE DRIVER ARE ATTRIBUTED TO HIM/HER
New Measurement System –Driver Information (cont’d) Individual driver assessments are used by investigators during carrier investigations only To identify drivers with safety problems To prioritize driver sample during carrier investigation To issue Notice of Violations/Notice of Claims to individual drivers based on this driver investigation as appropriate SMS BASICs will replace SafeStat Safety Evaluation Areas (SEAs) data sent to Roadside Inspectors Assist in determining level of inspection North American Standard (NAS) Inspection procedure does not change
CSA 2010 Roll-out Schedule Now Motor carriers can preview their own data by seeing their roadside inspections/violations and crash events organized by Behavior Analysis and Safety Improvement Category (BASIC) Fall/Winter 2010 SafeStat will be replaced by the CSMS, which will be available to the public, including shippers and insurance companies FMCSA/States will prioritize enforcement using the CSMS FMCSA will begin to issue warning letters to carriers with deficient BASICs Roadside inspectors will use the CSMS results to identify carriers for inspection Coming in 2011 Safety Fitness Determination Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) is scheduled to be released Enforcement staff will be trained, and new interventions will be implemented state-by-state Spring 2010 – CSA 2010 Data Review Along with enforcement staff across the country, Motor Carriers will be able to see their safety data arrayed by the BASICs. They will receive guidance around how to improve in each of the BASICs and have an opportunity to work with their drivers and change their operations to improve their safety performance. They will have an opportunity to challenge any potentially erroneous data so that upon the Safety Management System (SMS) rollout, later in the year, enforcement resources will be deployed effectively and efficiently based on an improved data set. Fall/Winter 2010 – National Launch of CSA 2010 will include The new Safety Measurement System (SMS) will replace SafeStat – public will have access and enforcement will use it to identify and prioritize unsafe carriers for interventions SMS’s BASIC values will replaces today’s Safety Evaluation Area (SEA) values at the roadside Warning letters will be sent Nationwide, launching the first component of the new interventions process A step-by-step educational process for enforcement and motor carriers will begin in early 2010 and will include careful introduction of the new investigations (off-site, on-site focused and on-site comprehensive) and the new follow up interventions (comprehensive safety plans, increased use of notices of violation) Intensive, state-by-state, training for enforcement will begin later in 2011, in preparation for implementation of the new interventions process which will replace the one-size-fits all compliance review Upon completion of that training, on a state-by-state basis, the new program will be implemented. At that point, the Agency’s new enforcement program will be in place Nationwide
What is the CSA 2010 Data Preview? Website that provides carriers an assessment of their safety performance by Behavior Analysis Safety Improvement Category (BASIC) Inspection data (24 months) Crash data (24 months) Investigation Findings/Serious Violations (12 months) Provides information and best practices for improving carrier safety Allows carriers to assess their BASIC safety performance in order to begin addressing problems today 8 8
Why Provide a Data Preview? Proactively engages industry to improve safety and prepare for CSA 2010 Carriers are given an opportunity to review and update registration data, or request data reviews DataQs: https://dataqs.fmcsa.dot.gov/login.asp Registration Information (MCS-150) updates Advance notice of BASIC assessments prior to public rollout 9 9
Data Preview Access Details Carrier can only access their own results Access via the CSA 2010 website (requires carrier PIN –instructions for obtaining PIN are on the log-in page) Access via FMCSA Portal (CSA 2010 link) CSA 2010 Test Carriers will continue to have access to CSI as well as the Data Preview Public will not have access to Data Preview FMCSA and State Partners have access to every carrier’s Data Preview
What goes into a BASIC assessment? Carriers’ BASIC Assessments are determined by two inputs: Roadside Performance (CSMS results) Violations found during roadside inspections BASIC percentiles exceeding intervention thresholds Investigation Findings (Serious Violations) Non-compliance that’s so severe immediate corrective action is necessary Directly related to carrier’s management and/or operational controls BASIC is considered deficient and displayed accordingly on a carrier’s record for 12 months
Login Page for Motor Carriers Carriers’ must log in with their DOT# and PIN. Links are available through Portal and the CSA 2010 informational website 12 12
Data Preview –Carrier Summary Screen Once a carrier logs in, you will see this summary page. It includes the BASIC assessments (broken down by on-road performance and investigation results), carrier registration information and a summary of inspections and crash activity over the past 24 months. In the next few slides, I will explain each of these areas in greater detail. 13 13
Data Preview –Carrier Summary Screen This is a blown up view of the Carrier Registration Information on the homepage of the Data Preview. (CLICK) You see that the site indicates when a carrier’s VMT data is out of date and encourages them to update that information with FMCSA. This is part of the agency’s effort to increase and validate the VMT data that we have. (CLICK) When a carrier clicks on “Update Carrier Registration Information”, they are given detailed instructions on how to update their MCS-150. 14 14
Data Preview –Carrier Summary Screen Here is a blow up of the Summary section of the homepage laying out counts of Inspections and Crash activity. 15 15
Data Preview –Carrier Summary Screen This is the section that indicates the carriers’ BASIC assessments for each category (CLICK) The first column indicates the percentile calculated by SMS based on data gathered at the roadside during inspections. (CLICK) The second column indicates if a Serious Violation has been discovered during an investigation over the past year (CLICK) As I explained earlier, these two aspects of CSA 2010 combine to determine the overall assessment of whether a carrier is deficient in any of the BASICs. (CLICK) As you can see by the circle that just showed up, this carrier is deficient in the Unsafe Driving BASIC based on the information gathered by roadside inspections. If I click on the Driver Fitness BASIC on this page, we will be brought to more detailed information. 16 16
For more information, visit csa2010.fmcsa.dot.gov